Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 4 update from Skagway

Good Rainy Morning to All,

How is everyone? Hope all is well with each of you.

Today marks exactly 4 weeks since I left Miami and arrived into Seattle for this new program and new assignment. It has truly been a very interesting time and a faith strengthening experience like no other. I am sure that it will only continue in fuller measure in the future months that will come with the direction of Jehovah.

Here is a brief synopsis of the week and what we are working on now:

We have covered about a half of the territory of Skagway at this point. We continue to have very good conversations with people and are placing literature. They seem to "know us" by the time we arrive at their doors and see them in the community. This is a result of the fact that the town's local resident population was beginning to dwindle. And will continue to do so. The Alaska cruise season ended as of this past Thursday and won't be back until next April. This puts the towns local population around 400 people. As you can imagine, the news about us being "in town" spreads very quickly. While this is a good thing, this could also prove to be a double edge sword if some don't agree with us being here. We have seen that to be the case and will continue to monitor that as well as keep the Branch informed of what develops.

Another situation we are monitoring is the issue of Race. The town is used to seeing foreigners and those of other races on a regular basis during the cruise season. However, now that the season is over we are curious to see how they react to us of another race living in "their town". We also have been asked to keep the Branch office informed in this matter.

This week, we received some new direction that we have been asked to follow thru on immediately and report to the Branch what we find in that regard. I will share what it is, and the results of that with you as soon as I can.

I love you all very much and pray for you in your various locations daily. Please feel free to call, text, email or Skype me anytime. We will be in touch again soon.

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: The State of New York (My Hometown) fits into Alaska 12 times. Who knew? ;)


  1. I always enjoy reading of your adventures in Alaska. You are doing a great job. I see that Jehovah is definitely there with you. The brothers in Florida are always asking how you are doing and I have mentioned to them that you have a blog that they can go to see your updates. We miss you in Florida but we know that Jehovah has special plans for you. Keep it up. Talk to you soon. Dolly.
