Sunday, September 14, 2014

Checking In

My apologies for not writing sooner. We have truly been busy here in the Greater Klondike area. :) Our work and our daily responsibilities to the Branch office have picked up. But I'm glad to say that things have been going pretty well. We have concluded our 1st full week here in the assignment and are looking forward to what will come from our being here and planting these seeds of Kingdom Truth.

After some calls to the Branch, we were able to secure more permanent rooming for ourselves and have been busy preparing for the next week to come. All in all it has been a good week. We have had some friends come from the Whitehorse congregation to work with us and show is some of the outlying areas that we wil be able to cover along with them. And obviously we also have had to move into a new place.

We both have been staying busy and keeping ourselves encouraged with our personal study and meditation. It's really been an adjustment not having a congregation and a meeting to attend but one that has been able to be managed by keeping ourselves fed spiritually.
One thing that that we are especially mindful of is the need to remain healthy physically as well. One thing we do is take Vitamin D. Why you ask? Well as I mentioned before we lose about 15 minutes of daylight each day. And we are heading into a time when for about 6 months there will only be about 4 hours of daylight in the day. But because we are in an inlet surrounded by mountains on both sides of us the sun will not always reach us in the Channel. This will be of course a major adjustment for us to make. We will have to be very conscious of our health and mental fitness to remain strong and resilient. With Jehovah's help we are sure that it will be a success.

I will write again soon once we get rolling along again. Love you all very much.

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day: Only 20% of Alaska is accessible by road. There are only 12 numbered highways.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear that you are adjusting to Alaska's way of living. I know that it must be hard but with Jehovah's guidance you will be just fine. Yes keeping busy is the key. You and Phillip really need to rely on each other. Please do take plenty of vitamin D it will help you maintain you healthy especially because of the lack of daylight. Take care both of you. We continue to pray for you brothers. Love Dolly.
