Monday, September 1, 2014

New Service Year, New Assignment

As I awoke this Morning to the new 2015 Service Year, I couldn't help but reflect on the past 12 months of my life and some of the valuable experiences and lessons that I gained while serving in Florida Circuit 6.

I have had the real privilege of working and serving with some very special and wonderful people who have made an extremely profound impact on me. Friends in the surrounding area and there in the local congregation very soon became a real "family" to me. I think back to when I was growing up as a young person, and that was something that always touched me about Jehovah's Love for each of us, to give us a Family no matter where we may be. It is something that I will always carry with me in any further assignments that I will receive from His Organization.

One lesson that really stands out to me in the past year is the need to cultivate real and genuine Joy, to establish and to continually maintain strong Faith, and to have pure, unselfish Love for neighbor, for our brothers and for our God and Father, Jehovah. These are essential components for having real happiness that results from our service to Jehovah.

I know that I will see this even further in this new remote assignment of Alaska. Now serving as an Isolated Special Pioneer, I will have no Congregation. There will be no other Witnesses in the area, which means logically there is no Kingdom Hall to attend. While initially, this was something that was a foreign concept to me, I look forward to seeing the strong hand of Jehovah even further in my life and I really look forward to sharing my experiences with you all.

I will write here to page every day with the goal of at least 2 entries a day, so that we can all stay connected. I will write one at the beginning of the day, and then one at the end of each day. Please feel free to check it often and contact me anytime of the day. I will also post pictures of my experiences here for you to see and enjoy.

Thank you for the Love and Support you have shown me. I will keep each of you in my prayers daily and please do the same for me and my fellow workers in this new assignment. We may be separated by many miles but we are always united in Jehovah's Love.

"Let Jehovah Keep Watch Between You and Me when we are out of each other's sight..." (Gen 31:49)

M. J. Penfield


  1. awww..Our MJP left the nest to a memorable adventure...This was beautiful Bro. Good times, Good times. We had lots of laughs...Enjoy every moment of every day. Jehovah will never leave your side. If you ever need your family and friends we are a call, text etc away. Big Hugs to you! We all love you my friend and you are already missed.

  2. Yes!!!! We miss you already!!! But it's ok your doing the Lords work. I'm looking forward to reading your blogs to give me a glimpse of what your experiencing. We love you and may Jehovah continue to bless your journey in His service.

  3. Awww beautifully written! You have the wonderful opportunity to be used as an instrument in Jehovah’s hand! You'll definitely be in our prayers and regardless of the distance we're all just a phone call away. Thanks for including us in your journey, enjoy every minute of it! This is only the beginning... so let the adventures begin! :D “Be courageous and strong. Do not suffer shock or be terrified, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.” (Josh. 1:9)

  4. My favorite elder, we miss you already. Jehovah chose you for this assignment. That is because you are special. He knows you can handle the assignment. You are strong, spiritual and your love for Jehovah is clearly seen by your actions. The blessings are there. I love your mushy side. Yes you are mushy. However don't be mushy in Alaska the bears will come after you. LOL. Take care my prayers is with you always. Love Dolly

  5. Awww, we will miss you Jared. It's not goodbye though because we are family now. It's rather "see u soon." May Jehovah continue to bless your sacrifices on behalf of his Kingdom. We love you very much. I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventures in this special privilege of service you now embark on. Stay strong and we're all here for you and of course you will be in our prayers.

  6. Eagerly looking forward to reading about the spiritual Gems that you will find and the future Yearbook experiences. Many prayers on your behalf and the other brothers there on assignment.

  7. Wow!! Thank for allowing us to be a part of this journey with you!! I'm excited to learn how Jehovah has helped you succeed and endure through this amazing privilege, and knowing that it will strengthen and encourage me to build even greater flexibility in my service to our wonderful Father! I love you and look forward to reading and supporting you in this wonderful opportunity and endeavor!!

