Sunday, October 5, 2014

Skagway - Week 5

How are each of you? I hope this reaches you all doing well and busy in the work of the minstry. What an exciting day for the organization and all of us yesterday! It's truly a privilege to serve Jehovah in these last days. 100 Years of Kingdom Rule and counting...

Well, we have entered into a new month here in Alaska, which as you can imagine brings us that much closer to the famous "Alaskan Winter". I was talking to one woman in the minstry and she made a rather interesting comment that there really isn't an Autumn here, just.....Winter. (Lol) Those words are proving to be truer each day that passes. The winds have really picked up and intensified quite a bit. Each morning I awake to the glacial mountains that surround the town dusted in snow and a very dense fog. It's a real sight to behold. Interestingly, I have been using that as a taking point in the minstry with the residents here. It seems to be having relative success with them, most of them see the need to get to know the Creator of the world around them.

The ministry proves to be an experience. We are still meeting people and placing literature with them. There appears to be some potential within the local territory. One thing that I am learning here is that people are religiously inclined and are willing to talk about their love of God. We do come across a good number of those who are Atheists, some who are very opposed and others who are at least willing to speak with us in regards to what we are preaching here in the community. I have mentioned before that because of the small size of the town we have to be very careful not to irritate individuals here. Some have mentioned to us, that we are becoming very well known here in we all know, news travels fast. Whether they think of it as good news or bad news we are still waiting to see. We expect opposition, even persecution to come as a result of this assignment and not having any local association with any other friends.

On another note, as you may be aware, last week there was a 6.2 Earthquake that hit the state in Anchorage, Alaska. We didn't feel it here in the "panhandle" of the state as we are quite a distance away from Anchorage. I am happy to tell you that the friends there are doing well and send their love and greetings to all.

Your love, thoughts and prayers mean so much and are in my daily prayers to Jehovah. May he continue to bless each of you in your respective locations and various assignments.

After 100 years of ruling, we pray that His Kingdom come soon. It is going to change this world and this universe. In the meantime, we will wait patiently and we are determined to serve Him in any capacity He allows us to. Please keep running our race with endurance. I can't wait to see each of you at the finish line.

I send my warm love and greetings to each of you,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: Earthquakes - On March 27, 1964, North America’s strongest recorded earthquake, with a moment magnitude of 9.2, rocked central Alaska. Each year Alaska has approximately 5,000 earthquakes, including 1,000 that measure above 3.5 on the Richter scale. Of the ten strongest earthquakes ever recorded in the world, three have occurred in Alaska. (Matt 24:7)


  1. I am really enjoying reading of your adventures in Alaska. I had no idea that Alaska gets earthquakes. It sounds scary but I am glad to hear that the friends are ok. You are planting the seed and Jehovah will make it grow. Time will tell like you said. Our congregation is doing good. This month we have the special day assembly and the circuit overseer visit. So Jehovah is keeping us busy. Doing Jehovah's will is the best work for all of us. Well my brother continue on and we think of you all the time and you are in our prayers. The friends send their support and love.

  2. Hello MJP, I wanted to say hello. I also wanted to let you know that I have been reading all of your adventures in Alaska. What privilege in this time of the end to be blessed with such an exciting assignment. You and Phil are constantly in my prayers. May Jehovah bless and keep you both.

  3. Keep up the good work!! I am very proud of you for your endurance and perseverance in Jehovah's service. Gloria and I send our love and we will keep you and your partner in our prayers.
    Bro. Bennett

  4. Hello my dear son, your Mom and I are so very proud of what you are striving to do in service to Jehovah there in the frozen tundra. May Jehovah bless you and Phil for your diligence. Keep up the good work. We keep you in our prayers always. Many of the friends send you their love and greetings.
    Love, your Mom and Pop
