Friday, September 5, 2014

Skagway Update II

Alot of this assignment we are seeing is plain perception. So what we do for now is just familiarization. We are trying to walk around town and let people (locals) get used to seeing us in the area. We try to speak to as many as possible and introduce ourselves to those here.

This has proven to be very good in some cases. It obviously opens up alot of questions...people want to know what we are doing in the town and why in the world we would stay thru the winter (we hear that alot) because there is "absolutely nothing here then" according to them. They tell us "they roll the sidewalks up" in winter. What they dont know, is that this seemingly "bad timing" is actually "perfect timing" and really opens up the best of opportunities for us. Why? Because we will have a very, very, very good picture of what the town and people of Skagway are really like, after the tourism and cruise ship season moves out.

On the other hand, I have seen that some of the locals get extremely possessive of "their town" and don't really care for the fact that we have moved into the area. We have come across a few that have been very rude and brushed us off rather nastily when they hear that we are new and are missionaries here in the town. They are used to seeing people of color and seeing many people travel thru, but it presents something totally different when they find out the guy from LA (Phillip) and the guy from Miami (Me) are staying "here in Skagway" past the season and will be living in the town. To them we have no right to live in their town and they get very strange and rude toward us.

This presents a very interesting situation that we are facing. Because if we "wear out our welcome" (from their perspective) it will happen rather quickly and spread thru out the town this winter when the population goes down to about 400 people. The bad words and negative attitude will spread very quickly about us and the fact that they don't like us very much. There are some very influential people who dont seem to like us in the town. We have been instructed to keep the Branch office updated on this delicate situation. We will wait and see what Jehovah's Spirit will direct on this matter. We are sure that he will guide and protect us and we continue to petition Him with this in earnest prayer.

Please also keep us in you and your families prayers regarding this matter. Things could get a very tense and complicated here. Interestingly enough, out of the 5 teams of brothers that are stationed in Alaska we have the smallest of assignments based on population and size. It's a rather unique situation. We have so much Joy and Happiness knowing that we are doing Jehovah's will and carrying His word to these corners of the earth.

Thanks for your love, support and prayers. We will talk again soon.

M. J. Penfield

Here is the Alaska or Skagway fact of the day: People that live and are from Skagway are called "Skagwegian" or "Skagwegians" I guess that puts us in that category now huh? (Unless they run us out of the town or arrest us :) we will see)


  1. My dearest brother so reality is finally here, but knowing you, you will get through it just fine. Hang in there. I am here with Shirley and we will be definitely praying for you and Phillip. Keep your head up hide and keep smiling. Jehovah is your Refuge as you know. As a FYI if the Alaskans get crazy let me know so this crazy Puerto Rican can take care of them. LOL just joking.

  2. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Well at least you are doing what you were sent to do. You are seeing what the interest is in the area.

  3. It is good son that you and Philip are familiarizing yourselves with the Town and people of Skagway. Jehovah will bless you both and as your heap fiery coals upon the heads of your enemies with your kindness and friendliness, you will give a fine witness to Jehovahs praise.
