Sunday, April 26, 2015

Kotzebue - Week 20 (34)

As usual I hope that this reaches each of you doing well and busy in the field.

This week was a full and busy one as we are coming to the end of another month in the Springtime of the Arctic. Walking thru the territory is something we have had to get used again. Why do I say that?

We now are having to walk thru a very unique and interesting combo of extremely uneven and treacherous snow, mud, slush and ice along with getting splashed regularly by those who are passing by on their Snowmachines, 4 Wheelers and Vehicles.

Ironically, this week was the 1st time I have seen some of the actual earth and ground of Kotzebue in the 6 months we have been here. It's been a new sight as the ground is completely covered in ice and snow for the majority (9 months) of the year.

On the subject of ice, the Frozen Chukchi Sea is begining to break apart and melt in sections as we experienced 1st hand walking across this week in the ministry. (See attached)

The days continue to be long and full of sunlight. As of now, the Sun rises at 6AM and sets after 11PM. As I had mentioned earlier, this has had a very nice effect on the town and people in general for the most part. With temperatures in the 20s and 30s the milder weather is a pleasant welcome for all that call this ancient hunting village home.

Last week I got a phone call from a very interesting young man. He was previously contacted by mail by one of the brothers in a local congregation in the Anchorage area. He asked me to come by and see him in his home during the week because he wanted some study material. He warned me that I was going to be in for a ride with him in the call. After speaking with him and setting a time to visit I contacted the local brother to get some more background on him. The brother informed me that he had a very "colorful" past, being a 3 time Felon, extreme alcoholic, drug user and very violent. He recommended that it would be best not to go alone to his home.

I visited him early in the week and we were able to talk at length and answer many of his questions. He told me about his past in Prison and some of the "dark issues" he has to contend with. Interestingly, he told me that he didn't want to study with me because he wanted to do it on his own. I asked him why? He let me know that he frequently gets drunk and becomes violent and that he wanted me to be careful with him as he could get out of control most times. I thanked him for letting me know and told him that I would respect his wishes.

Before leaving I asked him to call me if he needed anything or had any questions to which he said he would do so. He thanked me for coming and taking the time to see him. I look forward to seeing how Jehovah will guide him and help him to make the necessary changes in his life.

It truly is a joy and privilege for each of us as servants of the Most High to carry "the glorious good news" to all sorts of people, to the most distant corners of this Planet. Yes, to you and I, it's been "entrusted". (1 Tim 1:11)

Praying Jehovah's rich blessing on you, I remain,

Your fellow worker,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: The Yukon River, almost 2,000 miles long, is the third longest river in the U.S. There are more than 3,000 rivers in Alaska and over 3 million lakes. The largest, Lake Iliamna, encompasses over 1,000 square miles.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks my dear son for sharing the experience of the young man searching. We're glad he was honest with you regarding his present situation. Hopefully the truth will assist him and he will learn to make the changes needed to serve Jehovah. Nice pictures too of the changes in the weather. Stay safe, and May Jehovah bless you in your ministry further. We love you!
    Your Pops and Mom!
