Sunday, April 19, 2015

Kotzebue - Week 19 (33)

I trust that each of you are doing well.

We have reached the conclusion of another busy week in the field here in Kotzebue.

There's not very much to report to you by way of new updates at this time, other than the fact that we continue covering the territory and cultivating our return visits. Some have the potential to turn into Bible Study's with some time and patience.

Harriet continues to progress and enjoys her new Bible. I will have to order her a Large Print copy as she has some trouble seeing and reading the smaller print. I will also do the same with the Publications such as the Bible Teach book for her once she is ready to begin considering that publication. Hopefully that will be soon in the near future with the aid of the Holy Spirit on her heart and my continued endeavors in her behalf.

She has a profound love for the bible and when I visited her this week, she shared with me some of her favorite verses. In the 7 times that she has read the bible over she has found quite a few of them as you can imagine. She continues to read it each day in spite of her limited eyesight and health issues.

I continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers daily. May Jehovah bless your whole souled efforts to exert yourself in the ministry, in the days ahead.

With love and greetings,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: The state of Rhode Island could fit into Alaska 425 times.

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