Sunday, April 12, 2015

Kotzebue - Week 18 (32)

I hope as you read this you all are well and enjoyed your Special Talk today. No doubt each of us is looking forward to Perfect Family Happiness soon to come in the near future.

This week proved to be another good one as we continued making our way thru the territory. Our progress is being seen in the people we are reaching on a daily basis in this village we have been assigned to cover.

We continued in the field taking the time to reach new homes and returning to visit those who we had previously met. This includes Harriet from last week at the Memorial. As you may remember, she expressed interest in the New World Translation as she has a deep love of the Bible and various translations. I was able to get one ordered for her and deliver it to her this week. You can imagine her joy and appreciation for God's Word as I handed it to her still in the plastic wrapping. She took it from me and held it close, thanking me for braving the cold to walk and bring it to her home. The beginning of this week she will be traveling to Anchorage for some matters and will return later. I'll visit her again to see her thoughts on what she will read in those pages that she dearly cherishes.

Interestingly, she took a Bible Teach book from me at the Memorial so I am keenly interested to hear her thoughts on that as well. If the opportunity presents itself perhaps a small study may be started with her soon. I continue to pray that Jehovah touch her heart with His word.

On another note, the weather continues to remain milder and more favorable to reach people in a relaxed and inviting state then previously when we 1st began in the assignment back in December. The extended days of Sunlight are welcomed by one and all including myself. As of now, the Sun rises around 8am and sets closer to 11PM each night with the time getting longer by 10-12 minutes each day that passes. This will prove itself to be very interesting when the sun is still up at 1 or 2 AM with continual light for 24 hours soon. I will be sure to share pictures with you when this starts to occur.

Please continue to remain faithful to your ministry and may Jehovah bless your efforts this week as you persevere in the work he has given all of us, that of "making disciples of people of all the nations." (Matt 28:19) Continue joyfully enduring any trials you may be faced with, fully confident in Divine victory. You all remain a subject of my daily prayers to our Tender Father Jehovah.

With warm love and the best of wishes,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: Alaska is the United State's largest state and is over twice the size of Texas. Measuring from north to south the state is approximately 1,400 miles long and measuring from east to west it is 2,700 miles wide.


  1. Always enjoy your blog. Keep up the work. I hope you are able to find those with a right heart. Thank you for the encouraging words. May Jehovah bless your efforts. Your brother from Washington state.

  2. Thanks fo posting such encouraging experiences. May Jehovah bless and touch Harriet's heart by means of His word. Keep up the good work. It's a joy to read your blog. Love you!
    Your Dad

  3. Just got caught up on your blogs. Was worried about you. Glad all is well and there being plenty of sunlight now for you & the locals. How exciting first meeting ever. Agape from SW Washington
