Sunday, October 19, 2014

Skagway - Week 7

How are you all? As usual, I hope this reaches you well and busy in the work of the Ministry for the glory of Our Father Jehovah.

We have arrived at the end of the 7th week in our assignment here. As of the writing of this, I am happy to inform you that we have reached every home in the immediate territory of Skagway and as well as the outlying areas of Dyea also known to locals as Liarsville.

This latter portion of the territory has involved a considerable amout of hiking up a few miles on what is called the AB mountain and walking some additional 3 to 4 miles along a road with very long and steep rocky driveways into dense forrest. This usually adds up to upwards of about 5 or 6 miles on a daily basis. (Probably more lol) Needless to say, health along with a considerable amount of stamina coupled with good nutrition and proper rest are key to this assignment.

We will soon be preparing another report for the Branch office to read regarding the progress of the assignment here. At this point, it appears that November will be in the final month of the assignment here in Skagway. What I anticipate in the next few weeks is an update as to how the Branch would like us to proceed with the report we will write. Then what will likely come is a new assignment to another remote location here in Alaska.

Where could it possibly be? I am not too sure. There are many possibilities in this remote and vast land. There are other brothers stationed in the state and all of our locations and circumstances range in nature. So there is no telling what our next assignment could look like honestly. (Lol) I am prepared (I think) for whatever may come. I have been making this all a matter of prayer before Jehovah because only in His Strength can this work be accomplished. Will be sure to keep you updated as to what comes of that development.

We are continuing to have relative success in the ministry here. Reactions of people here range from Kind to Friendly to Dismissive to Tolerant. Have also had quite a few abrupt individuals as is to be expected in any territory. We are still looking for the people that are searching for answers and have open and earnest hearts. I like to say we are looking for the reaction of "Hungry" in this territory. It remains to be seen by means of Holy Spirit whether this area is ripe "like a Peach" and ready to "fall into our hands". (to borrow the analogy made by Br Breaux in regards to our role in this assignment) However, regardless of the reaction of others in the territory, I myself am determined to maintain my Joy and Strength in the work of Jehovah.

Please know that I think of you all often and am grateful for your prayers, love and support. May Jehovah continue to be with each of us in these last days in which we live. His Kingdom now Rules!

Sending warm love,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: The name Alaska is derived from the Aleut word "Aleyska," meaning "Great Land."

1 comment:

  1. Its great to know you guys are hard at work with the best intentions!! Jehovahs spirit is clearly with you. Whether or not any peachs fall into your hands remains to be seen, but your activity is being noticed by all. Like Noah you continue to build the 'ark' so to speak. He worked hard in preaching and you guys are working hard walking thru the land searching for deserving ones! Gen 6:9 - 9:29
