Sunday, December 28, 2014

Kotzebue - Week 3 (17)

I awoke this Morning to an Arctic Blizzard or what is also called a "Whiteout" here in the Northwest Arctic Borough (see attached map and pics) hub of Kotzebue. Even as I write to you now, the 60 mph "tempestuous wind" (Ezekiel 1:4) continues to pound at the window I'm looking out of. Yet, I am reminded that the Fear of Jehovah is wisdom, because "he set the force of the wind." (Job 28:25)

This week we were able to finally move into the modest apartment that we will call home for the time being. It sits approximately 1 block behind the small airport and about a block and a half from the Kotzebue Sound and the now frozen, Chukchi Sea.

We spent the week with a combination of moving and the ministry. I have observed that the local residents, the native Alaskans have become quite used to seeing us locally in the town and have begun "warming up" to us. (Pun intended lol) Evidence of this is from the fact that we were invited to a few of the local social functions that they have had here in the community. The timing for us to share in anything like that with them for this time of year isn't exactly favorable, as the so-called "Holiday Spirit" in this village is very high.

The weather this week (see attached) reminded me of a few verses in the 147th Psalm. We read starting in verse number 16, these words: "He sends the snow like wool; He scatters the frost just like ashes."

The dense coating and brisk rushing of the thick snow that has fallen and keeps falling even as I write now to this Frozen Tundra that I inhabit, reminded me that the snow is comparable from Jehovah's standpoint, to Wool.

Next, notice verse 17: "He hurls down his hailstones like morsels of bread. Who can withstand his cold?"

That last question is so very appropriate for the timing of the Arctic blast that we have gotten this week. In fact it's a question that I have asked myself many times as I walked along the Sound and in the -7°F cold with the wind pulling and tearing at my face so many times. While rhetorical in nature, there is a very answer I have found to that question that I would like to share with you. In these harsh circumstances, I am continuing to be taught daily by Our Father Jehovah that these elements I am living thru are from His Hand. Every day, he teaches me that with His Love and Strength I can "withstand his cold" because it comes from Him. So I have to rely solely on the Source of all Power, the "Confidence." (See Kotzebue - Week 1) The one to whom the "cold" truly belongs to. It's such a very humbling, sobering and beautiful (and most times a very painful) lesson to learn. I consider it a rare privilege to share this time alone with my heavenly Father and "his cold".

I have mentioned previously that one's Mental health and positive perspective are so very key and such a critical component in an assignment such as this, when you are completely isolated from the local friends, the warm association of congregation along with the meeting arrangement. Under these circumstances, Reliance on Jehovah isn't just a concept or an idea, it becomes essential and vital for your survival each and every day you live.

Notice the awesome power Our God posseses in verse 18: "He sends out his word, and they melt. He makes his wind blow, and the waters flow."

With just a "word" from Him "they melt". And with "his wind blow" "the waters flow"
Let's look at first: Who is "they"?

Well in order to clearly have the answer, we have to go back to the previous verses in the context and see very simply the terms "snow" and "frost" in verse 16 and then we observe again, "hailstones" along with "cold" in verse 17. Consider this, when "they melt" what do "they" turn into? They turn into Water. And then still in that same verse of 17 we are next told, that those very "waters flow" all from the Power of Our Mighty God, Jehovah. So again Jehovah teaches us that he harnesses the elements we live under from His Hand.

With that thought in mind notice what we are told next in 19: "He declares his word to Jacob, His regulations and judgments to Israel."

Jacob and Israel were special in the eyes of Jehovah and he counted them worthy to know and have a close relationship with Him. Well what of each of us today?

Look at what you and I are told in verse number 20: "He has not done so with any other nation; They know nothing about his judgments."

He hasn't used anyone else, he hasn't utilized any other creation, no He views us as worthy and special enough to have chosen you and I, as imperfect people to come to have the accurate knowledge of "his judgments" and then to take and to share with others, these things so that they too may come to know the Creator of this majestic planet we live on. Then we along with them may as the verse concludes: "Praise Jah!"

May we do our utmost to remain close to the One who these conditions on this earth belong to. My prayer is that each of you will patiently and faithfully endure whatever you may be facing. Yes "Jehovah finds pleasure in those who fear him, in those waiting for his loyal love." (Verse 11) Continue to fear Jehovah and wait for his "loyal love". Trust the Power He lovingly provides. Draw closer to Him every single day that passes. Gain Strength from a close and personal relationship with Him. Very soon, we will all be gathered together under perfect and paradisaic conditions on this globe. And then, for all eternity our voices will unite in the magnificent song: "Praise Jah!"

With the warmest of love and "his cold",

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day: The daily low temperature in Kotzebue dips below freezing around 250 days per year. Snowfall averages 40 inches per year, rainfall 9 inches, with more than 100 days of precipitation per year. The Kotzebue Sound is free of ice from early July to early October. The topography of Kotzebue consists of a gravel and tundra spit, low bushes and no trees.


  1. Thank you for your encouraging thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!
    So, upbuilding!

  2. You should know I am going to so use the whole Ps 147 tomorrow with a bible student. I was fussing today about it feeling like -2 degrees here in Chicago (via the weather channel) but after seeing your pics and reading about your -7 I will shut up!! listen - I need not tell you to stay warm! Keep your focus, take your vitamins and handle your business! Plenty of us are asking that Jehovah's spirit be with you and your roommate. Loved the write up!

  3. May Jehovah continue to warm your body & heart as you continue in this life saving mission!

  4. Hello, you do not know me but I am a friend of Naomi who lives in TX now. I wanted to let you know how deeply encouraging your experience, words of wisdom and attitude about your privilege of serving is. Continue to plant seeds and rely upon Jehovah for all of your needs. My prayers are with you and your roommate.

  5. Thanks for the encouraging words Michael. We appreciate your fine example! May Jehovah continue to "make you firm ... Yes, he will make you strong."
    Always remember that tho' you may be isolated you are never alone!
    We send you our love.
