Sunday, November 30, 2014

Skagway - Week 13

As I awoke to this final, cold and snowy AM here in Skagway my mind went back to my 1st and earliest beginnings here in this unique assignment, and in this rather interesting (to say the least) town with it's equally interesting (again to say the least) residents.

The thoughts that were in my mind from this last week here, were a bit difficult to put into words today, but again as I stated above as I write this to you I couldn't help but reflect on these last months here.

The magnitude of the responsibility we each have, to preach the good news is one that each of us must not treat lightly. We are commanded to preach, because of the fact that the message we bear is one of a life changing, and more importantly a life saving nature. Of these things, each of us is well aware and we have gratefully accepted that beautiful responsibility.

That simple and fundamental fact has been more evident to me, being Isolated for these past 13 weeks without the support of a congregation, any other local witnesses and not having any meetings. Each day that I have been here I have seen something very interesting that has gotten more and more clear to me leading up to this final day and time.

Working under these circumstances, as an individual you have the full knowledge that the sacred responsibility that comes with the weight of the message that you have, lies on You. This town and the lives that are in it, have their futures entrusted into your hands by Jehovah and His Earthly Organization. Now, whether they choose to accept the message or not is up to them. But whether or not they will have all of the opportunities to hear the message and be given a fair chance to decide for themselves lies solely on You.

In the book of Genesis chapter 45 verse 7 there we read these poignant words: "But God sent me ahead of you in order to preserve for you a remnant on the earth and to keep you alive by a great deliverance."

We notice quite a few interesting expressions there in that verse. For example: "God sent me ahead of you..." "keep you alive..." and "great deliverance..."

Here Joseph, in context talking to his brothers whom he has just revealed himself to, after being sold into slavery some years prior, speaks to them regarding the second year of the famine in the land.

If we look at verse 5, there it earlier indicated: "because God has sent me ahead of you for the preservation of life."

Well today there exists a Great Spiritual Famine in this land. And Jehovah God is using you and I for "the preservation of life". In fact, in those powerful words of Joseph he has "sent me (you and I) ahead of (the people in our territories) you"

When we meditate on the fact that we have been chosen to preserve lives by Jehovah God the Creator of Life, it motivates us. It touches us and we are moved to action. We are determined to continue on steadfast in the "preservation of life" out of love for Jehovah primarily, and Love for our neighbor.

I don't know what awaits me in my next assignment. I am sure that there will be more challenging circumstances that lie ahead in the next 3 months living "North of 68°". Each day will be an adventure just trying to survive another day. There will be dangers and darkness in a physical sense.

Please be assured that in Jehovah's Love, I am confident and determined more than ever before to continue on in this unique  assignment I have been given. Yes like Joseph, "God has sent me ahead..." and just as I was then, anxious to reach these people here in Skagway 13 weeks ago, I am that much more eager to reach the Inupiat people of Kotzebue with the message that makes possible the "preservation of life" and a "great deliverance".

You can be sure that I keep you all close in heart and mind and each of you are the subject of my frequent and daily prayers to Our Father. May He bless each of you as you continue on faithful in your assignments.

Sending you Love and Greetings one final time from Skagway,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: For the past 3 months, the town of Skagway and it's inhabitants have received a thorough witness, and now have the opportunity to draw Close to the Creator of the Earth around them. Perhaps some of them will keep seeking Truth in their lives.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite Alaska Fact of the Week yet! You're absolutely right. In just three months you and only one other soul have covered an entire town twice! No one there can say they didn't know about you, and therefore can never say they don't know about Jehovah. Now it's Jehovah's turn to work the territory. To search out hearts that were touched. You should feel honored to work so closely with the Sovereign of the Universe and his angelic forces to reach an untouched territory. We are all so proud of you Jared. Keep up the fine work and know that none of your labors have been in vain (1 Cor 15:58). Love you much.

