Sunday, November 9, 2014

Skagway - Week 10

Good Evening to you all,

This post comes a bit later than usual as I wanted to make sure that all had the opportunity to attend the Branch program this weekend and of course the rebroadcast today.

Wasn't it a wonderful program? We were so happy and thankful to Jehovah that His Organization and the Branch made the provision to allow each of us to share the program with you all via tie line. Was such a strengthening aid and a true encouragement to us to keep pressing ahead in this unique assignment.

Here is a look at the latest here:

The week began rather normal. We were able to do some return visits and some necessary paperwork (reports, etc) for the Branch as well as preparing for the weekend broadcast.

On Wednesday morning, a little after 7am local time I awoke to the house shaking and rattling like the Spin Cycle on a washing machine (nice alarm huh? Lol) I would later find out that we were in the middle of a 4.8 magnitude earthquake at that time. It lasted about 30 seconds or so. Now, if you are a person (Me) who has have never actually experienced an earthquake it's quite an experience I must say. To add to it, not exactly an enjoyable experience when you have been sleeping, to wake up to that. Now you may or may not know this but, Earthquakes are quite common here in Alaska. (See Week 5) How many earthquakes do we have here in Alaska? Take a look at the following stats:

Daily = 50-100
Weekly = 400-700
Monthly = 1500-3000
Yearly = 24000+

These figures account for approximately 11% of the world's earthquakes and 52% of all earthquakes in the U.S. Alaska has more seismicity (no i didn't make that up, yes that's a word lol) than any other region in North America and is by far the most seismically active state in the U.S. (sorry California)

The words of Mark 13:8 are indeed true and continue to have their fulfillment as we see (and feel) often.

When things of that nature (pun intended) come up, being Isolated, we have to report to the Branch that we are alive and well and if there are any needs we may have at that time. They really do a good job looking out for us as they are aware we are serving in a very different and extreme (in multiple areas) assignment.

Some have asked: "How do you deal with being Isolated, not having a congregation to associate with, not having meetings, not having any other witnesses around you at all?"

That's a very interesting and a thought provoking question because the answer is not an easy one. Consider this: From our entrance into the truth, whether we are raised in it or we learn at a later point in life, we work to cultivate a personal relationship with Jehovah and in harmony with Scripture, we are commanded, and then our minds are conditioned to become accustomed to meeting with our brothers and sisters and worshiping together. The unique aspect of this assignment is that, the element of meetings and our literal association with the friends is removed.

So you have to allow yourself and your mind to get "used" to the actual Isolation. What do I mean by that? Well, you have to give your mind and your heart the permission to become comfortable (relatively) with the unique circumstances that surround the assignment. You see, if you continue to fight that, then it makes the actual assignment of searching for sheeplike ones in these remote areas very difficult. If you allow your mind to meditate on the fact that you are "alone" with no support from others or a local congregation then it makes the various aspects of the assignment that much more challenging. I have gained considerable strength thru Prayer, and after reading a passage of scripture, meditating on the Love that Jehovah gives us no matter where we may be. Nothing can separate us from that Love. (Romans 8:39)

I trust that after this weekend of activity, each of you have truly been strengthened to continue on faithfully in your respective assignments, congregations and locations serving with eternity in view. In the strength of Jehovah we are renewed and invigorated to do our utmost in the final part of the days in which we live. I echo the words of Paul to the Philippians in Chapter 1 verse 3 for each of you reading this, there he said: "I thank my God always when I remember you."

Yes I am thankful to my Heavenly Father "when I remember you", I am proud to have each of you as my family. We will run this race for life together and I look forward to seeing each and every one of you there at the finish line.

Working with each of you in Support of the Kingdom,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day:
The largest earthquake recorded in Alaska was a 9.2 magnitude quake that occurred on March 27, 1964 in the Prince William Sound. This was the 2nd largest earthquake ever recorded in world history. The energy released in this earthquake was equivalent to approximately 4 trillion pounds of explosive. The motions on the fault lasted for 4 minutes, rupturing an area about 800 kilometers long and 250 kilometers wide. The average movement on the fault was about 9 meters.


  1. Can't wait to hear where you are going to be next.

  2. Thanks for a very encouraging post my dear son. What a faith booster this must be to you and the other 9 brothers! You are so right when you quote the inspired words of the apostle Paul, "nothing can separate you from Gods love" your Mom and I are so proud of you. So many friends are too. May Jehovah give you the Holy Spirit you need to keep your spirits up, and keep the Sun shining in your heart and mind!
    Love, Your Dad and Mom.

  3. Hey Jared, this is Jackie, Stephanie's sister. She sent me a link to your blog after my Branch meeting Sunday. What a nice surprise to see you up on the screen. You and the 9 brothers are in my prayers as your sacrifice and "here I am, send me" attitude is so encouraging. Only in Jehovah's org and with his holy spirit can the good news reach ever corner of the earth! Take care.
    PS: an older sister sitting next to me at the Branch meeting asked me if you were my brother in law; she thought you were Sid:-)

  4. I can tell why it is they selected you...your writing is fabulous. I am sure the Branch wants well written reports LOL LOL. You are mention often in our prayers. We loved seeing all of you during the branch meeting! Be careful with the earthquakes and all!! 3 John 2. What you wrote has given me much to think about!! ---total side point...can you guys get care packages? If so do you know how we can get them to you. Shoot me an email: Later!!
