Sunday, December 28, 2014

Kotzebue - Week 3 (17)

I awoke this Morning to an Arctic Blizzard or what is also called a "Whiteout" here in the Northwest Arctic Borough (see attached map and pics) hub of Kotzebue. Even as I write to you now, the 60 mph "tempestuous wind" (Ezekiel 1:4) continues to pound at the window I'm looking out of. Yet, I am reminded that the Fear of Jehovah is wisdom, because "he set the force of the wind." (Job 28:25)

This week we were able to finally move into the modest apartment that we will call home for the time being. It sits approximately 1 block behind the small airport and about a block and a half from the Kotzebue Sound and the now frozen, Chukchi Sea.

We spent the week with a combination of moving and the ministry. I have observed that the local residents, the native Alaskans have become quite used to seeing us locally in the town and have begun "warming up" to us. (Pun intended lol) Evidence of this is from the fact that we were invited to a few of the local social functions that they have had here in the community. The timing for us to share in anything like that with them for this time of year isn't exactly favorable, as the so-called "Holiday Spirit" in this village is very high.

The weather this week (see attached) reminded me of a few verses in the 147th Psalm. We read starting in verse number 16, these words: "He sends the snow like wool; He scatters the frost just like ashes."

The dense coating and brisk rushing of the thick snow that has fallen and keeps falling even as I write now to this Frozen Tundra that I inhabit, reminded me that the snow is comparable from Jehovah's standpoint, to Wool.

Next, notice verse 17: "He hurls down his hailstones like morsels of bread. Who can withstand his cold?"

That last question is so very appropriate for the timing of the Arctic blast that we have gotten this week. In fact it's a question that I have asked myself many times as I walked along the Sound and in the -7°F cold with the wind pulling and tearing at my face so many times. While rhetorical in nature, there is a very answer I have found to that question that I would like to share with you. In these harsh circumstances, I am continuing to be taught daily by Our Father Jehovah that these elements I am living thru are from His Hand. Every day, he teaches me that with His Love and Strength I can "withstand his cold" because it comes from Him. So I have to rely solely on the Source of all Power, the "Confidence." (See Kotzebue - Week 1) The one to whom the "cold" truly belongs to. It's such a very humbling, sobering and beautiful (and most times a very painful) lesson to learn. I consider it a rare privilege to share this time alone with my heavenly Father and "his cold".

I have mentioned previously that one's Mental health and positive perspective are so very key and such a critical component in an assignment such as this, when you are completely isolated from the local friends, the warm association of congregation along with the meeting arrangement. Under these circumstances, Reliance on Jehovah isn't just a concept or an idea, it becomes essential and vital for your survival each and every day you live.

Notice the awesome power Our God posseses in verse 18: "He sends out his word, and they melt. He makes his wind blow, and the waters flow."

With just a "word" from Him "they melt". And with "his wind blow" "the waters flow"
Let's look at first: Who is "they"?

Well in order to clearly have the answer, we have to go back to the previous verses in the context and see very simply the terms "snow" and "frost" in verse 16 and then we observe again, "hailstones" along with "cold" in verse 17. Consider this, when "they melt" what do "they" turn into? They turn into Water. And then still in that same verse of 17 we are next told, that those very "waters flow" all from the Power of Our Mighty God, Jehovah. So again Jehovah teaches us that he harnesses the elements we live under from His Hand.

With that thought in mind notice what we are told next in 19: "He declares his word to Jacob, His regulations and judgments to Israel."

Jacob and Israel were special in the eyes of Jehovah and he counted them worthy to know and have a close relationship with Him. Well what of each of us today?

Look at what you and I are told in verse number 20: "He has not done so with any other nation; They know nothing about his judgments."

He hasn't used anyone else, he hasn't utilized any other creation, no He views us as worthy and special enough to have chosen you and I, as imperfect people to come to have the accurate knowledge of "his judgments" and then to take and to share with others, these things so that they too may come to know the Creator of this majestic planet we live on. Then we along with them may as the verse concludes: "Praise Jah!"

May we do our utmost to remain close to the One who these conditions on this earth belong to. My prayer is that each of you will patiently and faithfully endure whatever you may be facing. Yes "Jehovah finds pleasure in those who fear him, in those waiting for his loyal love." (Verse 11) Continue to fear Jehovah and wait for his "loyal love". Trust the Power He lovingly provides. Draw closer to Him every single day that passes. Gain Strength from a close and personal relationship with Him. Very soon, we will all be gathered together under perfect and paradisaic conditions on this globe. And then, for all eternity our voices will unite in the magnificent song: "Praise Jah!"

With the warmest of love and "his cold",

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day: The daily low temperature in Kotzebue dips below freezing around 250 days per year. Snowfall averages 40 inches per year, rainfall 9 inches, with more than 100 days of precipitation per year. The Kotzebue Sound is free of ice from early July to early October. The topography of Kotzebue consists of a gravel and tundra spit, low bushes and no trees.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Kotzebue - Week 2 (16)

Greetings to you all. I hope you are doing well as you read this post today.

Today December 21st, 2014 is the Winter Solstice or the Shortest day of the year based on "Daylight" not "Sunlight". Remember, there's a major difference especially here in the Arctic. (See Week 12)

As I looked at the Frozen Kotzebue Sound in this -3°F Cold, I couldn't help but think of the 19th Psalm and it's rather striking application to my current assignment. Why you ask? Let me share a few verses that stick out in my mind there.

In verse 1 we read a very familiar and poignant statement: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; The skies above proclaim the work of his hands."

But today with the lack of Daylight I especially appreciated verse 4. There we see: "But into all the earth their sound has gone out, and to the ends of the inhabited earth their message."

But notice how that same verse concludes: "...In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun."

What I found so striking about that was Jehovah, by means of the Psalmist, usage of Symbolism. The Sun retiring to sleep, as it were in a "tent". Apparently the Sun is still in that "tent" around this time of the year. Shows us a humorous side of the God we worship.

Rather than feeling down about that fact, I thought it was a good opportunity for me to find a way to draw closer to Jehovah, because it Magnifies Him as the Supreme Creator and the Originator of the Solar and Lunar Cycle you and I have the privilege of witnessing with our own eyes.

Notice how that point is further driven home in verse 7: "The law of Jehovah is perfect, restoring strength. The reminder of Jehovah is trustworthy, making the inexperienced one wise."

You and I are "inexperienced". No matter what we may think in our imperfect minds we are truly from Jehovah's standpoint "inexperienced". But yet, so very lovingly we are given "The reminder of Jehovah" which proves to be add the verse says "trustworthy". We put our Faith in it and we are made wise as a result.

And Jehovah by means of this light shortened day has 'reminded' me that He is the Creator and the God of all eternity. Having this in my mind and heart, makes me want to continue to give my best in this assignment each and every day and put his interests 1st in my life, helping the Inupiat people to do the same.

To conclude, my prayer for each of you reading, are the words of verse number 14: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer."

With warm love from the Arctic Circle,

M. J. Penfield 

Alaska Fact of the Week: The name Alaska is based on the Eskimo word "Alakshak" meaning great lands or peninsula.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Kotzebue - Week 1 (15)

I hope that this reaches each of you all doing well. I apologize for my delay in not writing to you sooner. For the last week and a half, I haven't had a location to write as I have been traveling for the Branch. I also haven't had very much internet in my various locations, so I have had to wait until I could get a very limited WiFi signal.

As you can see from the title of this post, I am writing to you from my new Branch assignment of Kotzebue, AK. I landed and arrived on the ground here on Wednesday December 10th at about 6:20PM from Anchorage. I had spent the last few days there in Anchorage attending the 2015 Kingdom Minstry School with the other 9 brothers assigned here and the Elders of Alaska Circuit 1. (See attached) What a privilege it was to attend and share in the program with these brothers! The love and hospitality that were shown to each of us by the local friends and Jehovah was truly incomparable. In addition to this, over the days there were other necessary matters to care for, such as Dental maintenance and getting clothing and gear suitable for the Harsh climate that I would be living in, that the Branch office wanted cared for before arriving into Kotzebue.

On Wednesday, after arriving on the (very cold) ground here in Kotzebue, what a joy it was to discover that my cell phone didn't work at all. This would mean that I would have to get a new phone and number in the interim here in Kotzebue from the Regional carrier that locals use. After getting my bags, my teammate and I took a taxi from the airport to our temporary accommodations of a small, local hostel. The trip cost each of us $7 to go a half mile. So $14 in total. Yes, that's correct. What they consider to be flat rate I suppose. I also learned that gas is $8 a gallon here. (Yes you aren't reading wrong) Little did I know that this "rate" was just a small preview, really a fore-gleam of what I was going to find in general with regard to prices in this town. After putting the bags in the room, we took a half mile walk in the -48°F cold to the local grocery store.

And was it ever a shocking, and eye opening experience! The usual, everyday things that you and I eat or use cost considerably more. In some cases 350% more. Orange juice, ice tea, chips, etc. I have attached some pictures so that you can see what I'm referring to. Do some comparison to the prices you usually pay for the same things and see the difference. After walking and gathering my composure (lol) I bought some Pop Tarts and a bottle of Water. After being rung up by the cashier for $22.87 (Yes) for the 2 items I walked back to the place I would lay my head for my 1st (of many I'm sure) Arctic night.

The next morning, we had some things to take care of. Such as, getting local cellular service to let family, friends and the Branch office know we were safe and could establish contact with them. We were able to get that taken care of. The next item on the list, was finding longer term accommodations as per our instructions from the Branch Office. We went to the local Tribal Housing Authority called KIC or Kikiktagruk Iñupiat Corporation. There we were asked to fill out an application for housing in the area.  This quickly changed when we informed them that we were missionaries and that our Headquarters in NY would be caring for payment and leasing details. The leasing manager told me: "Well if you hurry you can still reach them before 5pm..." I quickly looked at my watch (which I leave set to Eastern Time-That's another story) and it said 4:56PM. I quickly called my contact at the Branch who had been waiting to hear from me (remember no cellular service for going on 36 hours) and I informed him of what was the current situation. He told me that he would get in contact with them and get the process going for us to move in and get going on our assignment.

Upon hearing this, the manager said: "Well...let's go look at some of the places." To which we agreed. We rode over to a apartment building they manage and before long we had picked out a place and we're given keys to the place in less than an hour. Obviously, "the Blessing of Jehovah" (Prov 10:22)

To switch gears for a moment, a very good friend of mine recently mentioned something very interesting to me about the author Jules Verne. You may be familiar with him perhaps. He wrote such notable titles as: "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", "Journey to The Center of The Earth" and "Around the World in 80 Days" and now with my new location and some of the experiences that are ahead of me, I could perhaps write a story or a chronicle of a similar title like "Life Above the Artic Circle" or just simply "Above the Arctic Circle" (kind of catchy right? I may have to trademark those lol) and while each title is very truthful and accurate titles for the life I will have now, I couldn't help but think of a more appropriate and truthful title for this journey found in the book of Psalms.

If we consider the 65th Psalm verse number 5 notice what's said. There we read: "You will answer us with awe-inspiring deeds of righteousness, O God of our salvation; You are the Confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of those distant across the sea."

This latter part of this scripture rang out in my mind when I looked across the Kotzebue Sound and saw the vast frozen Arctic Sea covering the distance between where I was standing and the country of Russia with only 50 miles separating each point. (See attached)

Notice the interesting title that I think will fit well, my journey going forward: "The Confidence of all the ends of the earth." We see here that the word Confidence is shown in this passage with a Capital letter "C". Why is that? Well if we also look above in the context of the verse, we see there that this is referring to our Father Jehovah God. This is yet, another one of the many titles He carries. It's encompassed and embodied in His very name. So He is our Confidence and not just that, but that Confidence has no limits, yes it extends to "all the ends of the earth, and of those distant across the sea." This comforts us and bolsters us, stabilizing the Anchor of our Faith.

Continue to read further there in that same 65th Psalm verse number 8, and notice what is further said: "The inhabitants of remote places will be awestruck by your signs; You will cause those from the sunrise to the sunset to shout joyfully."

Very interestingly we read: "The inhabitants of remote places...." Knowing the very unique makeup of the population of my new home here, I eagerly look forward to helping the Iñupiat people who inhabit this "remote place" make My Father their Confidence as well. I thank Jehovah for this privilege each and every day.

Please know and be assured that I keep you all in my daily thoughts and prayers to Him. Yes, it is true, now I am serving "Above the Arctic Circle" of the Earth. It's very cold, to a deadly degree. The Sun doesn't rise. It's dark 23 hours a day here. Food and sustenance are very expensive. Basic Survival becomes a part of ones daily routine and a very simple yet, at times, an intricately complicated objective. And still, I continue without having congregation meetings or the support of a congregation of local friends to associate with. But in spite of these extreme & perhaps seemingly insurmountable conditions, I continue to find my Joy. And with that Joy I send to each and every one of you my warmest love and greetings from the other side of this Planet. May our Loving Father Jehovah for all Eternity, continue to be, your "Confidence of All the Ends of the Earth."

Your Fellow Worker and Slave,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day: The position of the Arctic Circle is not fixed. It directly depends on the Earth's axial tilt, which fluctuates within a margin of 2° over a 40,000-year period, notably due to tidal forces resulting from the orbit of the Moon. The Arctic Circle is currently drifting northwards at a speed of about 49 ft per year.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Skagway - Week 13

As I awoke to this final, cold and snowy AM here in Skagway my mind went back to my 1st and earliest beginnings here in this unique assignment, and in this rather interesting (to say the least) town with it's equally interesting (again to say the least) residents.

The thoughts that were in my mind from this last week here, were a bit difficult to put into words today, but again as I stated above as I write this to you I couldn't help but reflect on these last months here.

The magnitude of the responsibility we each have, to preach the good news is one that each of us must not treat lightly. We are commanded to preach, because of the fact that the message we bear is one of a life changing, and more importantly a life saving nature. Of these things, each of us is well aware and we have gratefully accepted that beautiful responsibility.

That simple and fundamental fact has been more evident to me, being Isolated for these past 13 weeks without the support of a congregation, any other local witnesses and not having any meetings. Each day that I have been here I have seen something very interesting that has gotten more and more clear to me leading up to this final day and time.

Working under these circumstances, as an individual you have the full knowledge that the sacred responsibility that comes with the weight of the message that you have, lies on You. This town and the lives that are in it, have their futures entrusted into your hands by Jehovah and His Earthly Organization. Now, whether they choose to accept the message or not is up to them. But whether or not they will have all of the opportunities to hear the message and be given a fair chance to decide for themselves lies solely on You.

In the book of Genesis chapter 45 verse 7 there we read these poignant words: "But God sent me ahead of you in order to preserve for you a remnant on the earth and to keep you alive by a great deliverance."

We notice quite a few interesting expressions there in that verse. For example: "God sent me ahead of you..." "keep you alive..." and "great deliverance..."

Here Joseph, in context talking to his brothers whom he has just revealed himself to, after being sold into slavery some years prior, speaks to them regarding the second year of the famine in the land.

If we look at verse 5, there it earlier indicated: "because God has sent me ahead of you for the preservation of life."

Well today there exists a Great Spiritual Famine in this land. And Jehovah God is using you and I for "the preservation of life". In fact, in those powerful words of Joseph he has "sent me (you and I) ahead of (the people in our territories) you"

When we meditate on the fact that we have been chosen to preserve lives by Jehovah God the Creator of Life, it motivates us. It touches us and we are moved to action. We are determined to continue on steadfast in the "preservation of life" out of love for Jehovah primarily, and Love for our neighbor.

I don't know what awaits me in my next assignment. I am sure that there will be more challenging circumstances that lie ahead in the next 3 months living "North of 68°". Each day will be an adventure just trying to survive another day. There will be dangers and darkness in a physical sense.

Please be assured that in Jehovah's Love, I am confident and determined more than ever before to continue on in this unique  assignment I have been given. Yes like Joseph, "God has sent me ahead..." and just as I was then, anxious to reach these people here in Skagway 13 weeks ago, I am that much more eager to reach the Inupiat people of Kotzebue with the message that makes possible the "preservation of life" and a "great deliverance".

You can be sure that I keep you all close in heart and mind and each of you are the subject of my frequent and daily prayers to Our Father. May He bless each of you as you continue on faithful in your assignments.

Sending you Love and Greetings one final time from Skagway,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: For the past 3 months, the town of Skagway and it's inhabitants have received a thorough witness, and now have the opportunity to draw Close to the Creator of the Earth around them. Perhaps some of them will keep seeking Truth in their lives.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Skagway - Week 12

Good Morning,

I hope and trust that all is well with each of you. This week was a rather interesting one and I am glad to share some news with you.

This past Tuesday, November 18th, 2014, I received an email informing me of a decision made by the United States Branch Committee and approved by the Service Committee of the Governing Body, to reassign myself and my teammate from our current location of Skagway, AK some 981 miles Northwest to the town of Kotzebue, AK (Pronounced as "KAHT-zi-byoo") Approximately 4,381 miles from my last assignment in South Florida and 3,633 miles from my hometown of NY. (See Attached)

66.8972° N, 162.5856° W are the coordinates for this remote town, the furthest point northwest where there are native inhabitants in Alaska. Known as the "Gateway to the Arctic" and lying some 33 miles north of the Earth's Arctic Circle, Kotzebue lies on a sand spit at the end of the Baldwin Penninsula in the Kotzebue Sound where the Noatak, Kobuk and Selawik rivers end. The Kotzebue Sound was named after Otto von Kotzebue who 'discovered' the sound while exploring for Russia in 1818. The site was a trading location for local natives for over 600 years.

The local name for the site is Kikiktagruk. Or Qikiqtagruk, which means "almost an island". This is a reference to its location on the Sound. With a population of over 3,000, about 70-80% Native Alaskan (Inupiat Eskimo) it serves as a supply hub for 10 satellite villages in the Northwest Arctic Borough and one in the North Slope Borough.

The Inupiat people who call it home speak the same language, Inupiaq (In-yu-pak), as other Arctic Circle communities in Northern Canada and Greenland, given a difference in the local dialects. They’ve found ingenious ways to survive in one of the harshest environments on our planet. I too will soon learn the art of survival from my time living and working with them. As is the case in this unique and isolated assignment, there is no local congregation, no other local witnesses, no kingdom hall.

The area has a subarctic climate bordering on the Tundra climate, with long, somewhat snowy, and very cold winters, and short, mild summers. Monthly daily average temperatures range from −3.5 °F in February to 54.7 °F in July, with an annual mean of 21.8 °F. Days of above 70 °F are not common, but can be expected on about 5 days per summer. Precipitation is both most frequent and greatest during the summer months, averaging 10.1 inches  per year. Extreme temperatures have ranged from −58 °F to 85 °F, with the latter occurring as recently as June 19, 2013.

As you can no doubt imagine because of the coastal nature of this northern town, I will also now have to face the very real danger of Polar Bears and other wildlife such as striped Seals, Arctic Foxes etc. As well as the opportunity to directly view the Spectacular colors and pattern of the Northern Lights. These unique elements will now be a part of my new life serving almost 1,000 miles Northwest in Alaska.

Our Branch Committee has approved all 5 teams of brothers to attend the upcoming Kingdom Ministry School in Anchorage, after which the other 4 teams will return to their current assignments of Barrow, Dillingham, Haines and Nome and settle in for the Winter. Myself and my partner will be the one and only team moving. We will join our dear brothers in Barrow, AK as the 2nd team to serve North of the Arctic Circle. We have an arrival date in Kotzebue of December 10th, or 17 days from today.

You can imagine this was quite a bit to take in and wrap my mind around, but as is always the case, the daily text that day was a particularly appropriate one. Because of that fact and the magnitude of what I am going to now face moving forward, it is a verse that I know will stick with me for the rest of my life, along with that date of the 18th of November.

In Genesis 12:1 we read, "Go your way out of your country and from your the country that I shall show you.​"

We can only imagine how Abraham, then named Abram, felt when Jehovah told him to do that. I am sure that Abraham felt some anxiety because of what he had just been told, but Jehovah’s next words would melt that same anxiety away. He says in Verse 2 and 3 of that same chapter: “I shall make a great nation out of you and I Shall Bless You . . . And him that calls down evil upon you I shall curse.” With those words, Jehovah took it upon himself to become a secure dwelling for Abraham. I am confident that He will do the same for me in my new isolated assignment that he has 'shown me' in this case, above the Arctic Circle. I look forward to seeking his continued direction and finding Joy along with His blessing each and every day.

How do you maintain Joy when you are Isolated from a Congregation? From other witnesses? From the Organization? Some have asked that question and the simple answer is: You have to Find Joy. What do I mean by that? Well, when you have circumstances that require more than the usual effort to maintain your relationship with Jehovah, without a congregation or others to build you up, the quality of Joy may not be as readily evident to our imperfect eyes, hearts and minds. As a result, we become susceptible to negative thinking. The fact is, the Joy is right there, but for whatever unique reason to us, we can't "see" it. So guess what? You have to get tough on yourself, fight your imperfect mind, battle that negative thinking, and make a concerted and Special effort to Find that Joy.

This is the case when you find yourself isolated from the congregation, brothers and sisters or the Organization for one reason or another. Consider just one fact: Our relationship with Jehovah is a reason for Joy that we all have. That Joy comes from an interesting source: Within oneself. Why? Because it's from the same source, the same exact place as that imperfect, negative thinking that loves so often to show itself. Within. So you can choose to fight and combat those thoughts, and we can allow the Joy of Jehovah to replace it, if we let it. We each must continuously look for reasons for Joy and fight against the opposing thoughts of negative thinking. Do not be quick to give in to it! Please keep that in mind as you go about your days and continue to Find your Joy in your beautiful and sacred Service to Jehovah.

To touch on a previous subject of Sunlight in my last writing, we read in Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 and verse 5: "The sun rises, and the sun sets; then it hurries back to the place where it rises again." These words help us appreciate that while in some places and times the Sun may not be visible, it has a "schedule" that it has been assigned and set in motion by our Creator. You can know that I will be sure to meditate on this thought since I will not see the Sun for at least 2 months.

From mid-November till the end of January, however, sunrise and sunset may not be obvious in many areas north of the Arctic Circle. (That's Me) There people (including Me) have no choice but to endure the long dark nights of the Arctic winter.

It's interesting to note a difference in two terms that you and I use quite often and have direct impact on this next assignment. Those terms being "Daylight" and "Sunlight". Is there a difference between the two? And if so what is that difference?

"Daylight" is the volume of natural light that enters an area to provide illumination of between dawn and dusk. Whereas "Sunlight" refers to direct sunshine daylight.

So to put this concept into real and applicable terms, there will be perhaps an hour or less of "Daylight" that we may observe from miles away in the distance, but we will not get "Sunlight" for months. I am interested to see and live thru this phenomenon shortly.

To conclude, I would like you to notice something very interesting in the book of 2nd Corinthians. There in the 4th chapter and looking at verse 1, the congregation in Corinth and by extension you and I, are told by the Apostle Paul: "Therefore, since we have this ministry through the mercy that was shown us, we do not give up."

Notice there we are told, "we do not give up." Why? We can clearly see that we each have a very specific assignment. Paul says: "We have this ministry." So you and I as servants of our Father have been entrusted with the privilege of carrying an important, life-saving message to others, whether in our own local territory or a foreign field, an English speaking population or a foreign language field. What an honor to be used in this capacity by the Most High in all the universe!

My prayer for you dear ones, is that you continue on firm in the faith, and remain loyal to whatever unique and individual assignment you have. But especially in the assignment of "this ministry", may we each be found Zealously and Joyfully proclaiming the bright and glorious hope we have for the Future, thanks to our God Jehovah. As we do so, imagine the shout of praise that will ascend to to His name, not just now but for all eternity to come! I join you in that awesome shout, from the other side of the Earth, keeping each of you close in thought and prayer. Please persevere in running the race for Life Eternal with endurance and Joy.

Sending you Warm Love,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day:
The Arctic is located at the northernmost part of our planet. Scientists usually define the Arctic as the area above the 'Arctic Circle' — the imaginary line that circles around the top of the globe. Interestingly, the word "Arctic" comes from ‘arktikos’, the Greek for ‘bear’. The reason is that Ursa Major, the Great Bear constellation, is seen in the northern sky.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Skagway - Week 11

Good Morning,

How are each of you? I trust that this reaches each of you doing well and busy in the ministry.

This week was a rather regular one in Skagway. We were able to get much accomplished here. After submitting our last report and recommendation to the Branch office on Monday we began our focus on what would still need to be accomplished in the very likely event that we will receive a new assignment.

There were two very interesting bible accounts that came to my mind in the course of events that occurred this week. I would like to share them with you. But let me provide with you on some background on how the accounts and some of the details contained within correlate with Alaska and this assignment.

1st: You are likely aware, that Alaska is known for long and harsh winters and very limited sunlight in these times especially as you get further to the North. Now it's not officially Winter yet, according to the calendar. (Dec 21st) As some locals have told me, "Winter in Alaska starts when Summer ends."

It's interesting to note that, while Skagway is not as far North as some of the other locations in Alaska that our other brothers are serving in, because of the unique positioning of the town itself, the actual sunlight that reaches us is still quite limited, especially now.

If you were to look on a map, Skagway- situated in the Taiya inlet, sits between 2 rather large Mountain ranges. If you also looked at the time the sun rises here, you would likely be told that it rises somewhere in the time period of 7 to 8am. Because of where we are situated, we don't see it until after noon, around 12:30pm and it typically would stay out until about 4 or 5pm. Keep in mind, that's actually normal in this season. As time has gone along, we have lost about 20 to 25 minutes of sunlight a day. Meaning that it still rises around 12pm but is typically gone, now around 3pm. This week, on Wednesday we saw it actually move and disappear as we were literally speaking within a 10 min conversation. It's now dark here each day at about 2pm. The mountain ranges swallow the sun and it's light from reaching the town in its entirety.

One interesting Phenomena we observe is that, when the sun is down,  completely gone and away on one end of the town and inlet, the other end of it in the mountain ranges that lead to British Columbia and the Yukon are completely lit, and shining bright in the distance. To see the town in the dark in one window, and then to see the other end of the Yukon lit in another window of the same room is quite a peculiar, yet spectacular sight to behold.

These "Celestial Phenomena" in particular regarding the Sun, reminded me of the account found in the book of Joshua chapter 10 verses 1-14. If we examine the context of those verses, we see that Jehovah was acting on behalf of the Gibeonites, a group of Canaanite people who put faith in him. Jehovah extended Israel’s fight against the opposing forces they were warring against, by causing the sun and the moon to hold their positions in the viewpoint of those at the battle, postponing sunset for almost a day’s time. This was indeed a miracle.

Well what exactly did this mean? How was this done? The Insight book comments that, it could have meant a literal stopping of earth’s rotation. Perhaps, it could have been accomplished by a refraction of solar and lunar light rays to produce the same effect. Whatever the method employed by our God, it demonstrated that as the Psalmist indicated: “everything that Jehovah delighted to do he has done in the heavens and in the earth, in the seas and all the watery deeps.”

The point that struck me as being so very powerful was in verse 14, where you and I are told: "There has never been a day like that one, either before it or after it, when Jehovah listened to the voice of a man, for Jehovah was fighting for Israel."

The application here, is that Jehovah always listens to our concerns to the extent that in that very account, He made the Sun itself "Stand Still" for Joshua. But the larger and grander application there in that same account is that "Jehovah was fighting for Israel." Who again? JEHOVAH. So if we take the focus off of ourselves, off of us, our concerns, our anxieties, our fears, and allow Jehovah do the "fighting" in our behalf we can have the confidence that Our Victory is sure. It's actually guaranteed. Yes, here in Alaska (as much as I would like to) I can't tell the Sun to "Stand Still" but I, myself, and YOU can "Stand Still" and allow Jehovah to care for your individual concerns and do the "fighting".

Yes, "You will not need to fight this battle. Take your position, stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf. O Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid or be terrified. Tomorrow go out against them, and Jehovah will be with you." (2 Chronicles 20:17)

Let's switch gears for a moment....

When you think of wild animals in the scriptures what's the common one that comes to mind? For most people it's the Lion. We can think of many accounts of the Lion or even multiple Lions in the Bible. They stand out in our minds.

You're thinking: "Lions in Alaska? No that can't be! Can it?"

The 2nd biblical account that you will find interesting, is in the book of Lamentations chapter 3 and verse 10.

Do you notice what animal the verse draws our attention to 1st? Yes, the Bear is considered even secondarily to the Lion. Why is that?

It's appropriate, there and in other passages that the Scriptures allude to the dangerousness of the Bear even in parallel or comparison with that of the Lion. Zoologists, in fact, consider the Bear to be even more dangerous than the large cats. No doubt, Jehovah had this in mind for our consideration when he inspired the writing of this verse.

You will be interested and glad to know yesterday, I got the closest to a Grizzly Bear that I have ever been and will likely get in the wild, hopefully. In the pictures attached, you will see the Grizz and I had to get rather close to each other to get you the full experience of our interaction with each other. "Rather close" as in about 30 feet away on the slippery banks of the icy Chilkoot river. You will also notice the frost and snow that is here now that Winter has arrived. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed capturing the moment for you.

To see a bear in the wild, in the middle of the day is an experience that I don't think I will ever quite get used to. (in a good way) To see the raw power and the pure magnificence of these creatures in their natural habitat you share with them makes you think of Jehovah and His Awesome Power.

Why do I use the word "share"? Notice Isaiah 11:7, there we are told: "The cow and the bear will feed together, And their young will lie down together." This is a prophecy that has yet to have its fulfillment. As we know, It will come in the near future. The peacefulness among Jehovah’s regathered people, you and I under His Son's rule, is indicated there by the fact that the bear, a natural predator will feed with, what would normally be it's prey, the cow together. They each will eat and "share" the same food together. And if each of us remain faithful to the end, we will be able to see that amazing sight with our own eyes. Even more than that, you and I will share in that peace together with the Animal creation as a united family worshiping Jehovah for eternity! What a joy that time will be!

I mentioned earlier, that this week coming up, we will find out what and where our new assignment will be. At this point, we know that it will be still here in the state of Alaska in yet another remote and isolated area but specifically the location we are not sure of. We know the places they have in mind and what the options are. I will be sure to share the details with you as soon as I am given the clearance to do so.

Thank you for taking the time to read and for sharing this journey together with Me. I look forward to "speaking" again with you soon.

Please be safe and be assured that I love and remember each and every one of you. I talk with Jehovah daily, and in your behalf I pray His Spirit be with you in these final days. Thank you for your love, prayers and continued support of Kingdom Interests.

With Christian Love and Best Wishes,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day: Historically, there were around 50,00 Grizzly Bears in North America. Today there are an esyimated 1,800 Grizzly Bears remaining in the "lower 48" states. Alaska is home to a very healthy (as you can see) Grizzly population

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Skagway - Week 10

Good Evening to you all,

This post comes a bit later than usual as I wanted to make sure that all had the opportunity to attend the Branch program this weekend and of course the rebroadcast today.

Wasn't it a wonderful program? We were so happy and thankful to Jehovah that His Organization and the Branch made the provision to allow each of us to share the program with you all via tie line. Was such a strengthening aid and a true encouragement to us to keep pressing ahead in this unique assignment.

Here is a look at the latest here:

The week began rather normal. We were able to do some return visits and some necessary paperwork (reports, etc) for the Branch as well as preparing for the weekend broadcast.

On Wednesday morning, a little after 7am local time I awoke to the house shaking and rattling like the Spin Cycle on a washing machine (nice alarm huh? Lol) I would later find out that we were in the middle of a 4.8 magnitude earthquake at that time. It lasted about 30 seconds or so. Now, if you are a person (Me) who has have never actually experienced an earthquake it's quite an experience I must say. To add to it, not exactly an enjoyable experience when you have been sleeping, to wake up to that. Now you may or may not know this but, Earthquakes are quite common here in Alaska. (See Week 5) How many earthquakes do we have here in Alaska? Take a look at the following stats:

Daily = 50-100
Weekly = 400-700
Monthly = 1500-3000
Yearly = 24000+

These figures account for approximately 11% of the world's earthquakes and 52% of all earthquakes in the U.S. Alaska has more seismicity (no i didn't make that up, yes that's a word lol) than any other region in North America and is by far the most seismically active state in the U.S. (sorry California)

The words of Mark 13:8 are indeed true and continue to have their fulfillment as we see (and feel) often.

When things of that nature (pun intended) come up, being Isolated, we have to report to the Branch that we are alive and well and if there are any needs we may have at that time. They really do a good job looking out for us as they are aware we are serving in a very different and extreme (in multiple areas) assignment.

Some have asked: "How do you deal with being Isolated, not having a congregation to associate with, not having meetings, not having any other witnesses around you at all?"

That's a very interesting and a thought provoking question because the answer is not an easy one. Consider this: From our entrance into the truth, whether we are raised in it or we learn at a later point in life, we work to cultivate a personal relationship with Jehovah and in harmony with Scripture, we are commanded, and then our minds are conditioned to become accustomed to meeting with our brothers and sisters and worshiping together. The unique aspect of this assignment is that, the element of meetings and our literal association with the friends is removed.

So you have to allow yourself and your mind to get "used" to the actual Isolation. What do I mean by that? Well, you have to give your mind and your heart the permission to become comfortable (relatively) with the unique circumstances that surround the assignment. You see, if you continue to fight that, then it makes the actual assignment of searching for sheeplike ones in these remote areas very difficult. If you allow your mind to meditate on the fact that you are "alone" with no support from others or a local congregation then it makes the various aspects of the assignment that much more challenging. I have gained considerable strength thru Prayer, and after reading a passage of scripture, meditating on the Love that Jehovah gives us no matter where we may be. Nothing can separate us from that Love. (Romans 8:39)

I trust that after this weekend of activity, each of you have truly been strengthened to continue on faithfully in your respective assignments, congregations and locations serving with eternity in view. In the strength of Jehovah we are renewed and invigorated to do our utmost in the final part of the days in which we live. I echo the words of Paul to the Philippians in Chapter 1 verse 3 for each of you reading this, there he said: "I thank my God always when I remember you."

Yes I am thankful to my Heavenly Father "when I remember you", I am proud to have each of you as my family. We will run this race for life together and I look forward to seeing each and every one of you there at the finish line.

Working with each of you in Support of the Kingdom,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day:
The largest earthquake recorded in Alaska was a 9.2 magnitude quake that occurred on March 27, 1964 in the Prince William Sound. This was the 2nd largest earthquake ever recorded in world history. The energy released in this earthquake was equivalent to approximately 4 trillion pounds of explosive. The motions on the fault lasted for 4 minutes, rupturing an area about 800 kilometers long and 250 kilometers wide. The average movement on the fault was about 9 meters.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Skagway - Week 9


I am confident that this reaches you all doing well and busy. I am sure you are looking forward to the special weekend program in connection with the US Branch visit. We out here in the Wilderness are as well. The Branch office has lovingly made arrangements for each team here to receive the special program remotely with the rest of the Branch Territory on the live transmission Saturday. I can't tell you how happy I am to share in this with my entire "Branch family". A real privilege and honor to feel united with each of them and you all. I am confident each of you will enjoy the wonderful program that has been prepared.

This week here in town went by rather quickly. Because we were returning from the assembly, it was somewhat of a shortened week. We also moved from the place we had been staying in for the last month and a half. Why? Well as you may or may not be aware of, I haven't had Internet for the past 3 weeks or so. This obviously poses a bit of a problem. We are unable to communicate with the Branch via email and haven't been able to partake of anything from JW Broadcasting as of yet. (including the Annual Meeting) One of the unique issues that this assignment presents, is that many things that are usually standard and basic for the typical publisher or even a person in the "lower 48" (I have used that term before. Lol but if you don't recall, that's what Alaskans call the rest of the continental US) are somewhat of a luxury. What do I mean by that? I will use 2 examples to illustrate.

1) Barbershop/Haircut-If you know me then you already know where I'm going Barbershops and Haircuts are pretty normal, basic things right? Even for a smaller town. And then if you are in a larger city that just kind of comes pretty standard with the package. And then regarding prices. They range at times depending on the service and the area as well as the establishment but usually nothing that would be of a talking point. Here in Skagway there are absolutely no Barbershops. Lol There are no haircuts obviously, so that means for me improvisation is the name of the game. And as far as price is concerned, in Alaska the average price of a haircut is $27 to $47. (Google)

2) WiFi/High Speed Internet-This one is a bit trickier. The reason being, while it's a rather basic utility and service for most, if a town doesn't have the capacity or the  infrastructure to support then it's not really even going to be possible. In some places (and perhaps even in our next and subsequent assignments) there is a "cap" or threshold on the  amount of internetb that an individual user can use in a town or the entire town may be subject to this "cap". Now while this isn't the case where we are, there is a cap on the data that can be acquired in an area. This is what prompted the move. We didn't realize that this was the case, so the Internet was just disconnected for the last few weeks. Hopefully we have resolved this issue in our new place for the last and final month here in Skagway.

We will soon be preparing another final report for the Branch. In this report we will make a recommendation to the Branch as to what should be done with this territory and what will need to be done if there is further cultivation that is necessary. We have heard of quite a few options that may be used as our next assignment. They range in location and size, so you can imagine my anticipation and excitement as I wait to find out where the next few months of my life will be. I am looking forward to sharing it with you and having you be apart of the Journey. I will let you all know once the new assignment has been confirmed and locked into place by the Branch Office. Truly exciting times.

There have been quite a few wildlife sightings as of late. The Grizzly Bear that was here in town was shot by the Police and the National Park Service. This has sparked a bit of a debate among the locals here in town. Not your everyday conversation piece huh? Lol

Well, that's the latest and greatest here in the great wilderness. Thank you for your continued prayers and love. Warm love and best wishes to you all.

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day: Alaska is as big as England, France, Italy and Spain combined.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Skagway/Anchorage - Week 8

Good Morning,

I hope this reaches you all doing well and happy in your service to Our Father Jehovah wherever you may be.

As you may notice from the title of the post today, I'm writing you from Anchorage, Alaska this morning. Why you ask? Well, thanks to the love, generosity and kindness of AK-1 (Alaska Circuit 1) all 10 of the brothers assigned to the remote areas here, had the privilege of being with them and attending their circuit assembly yesterday. What a joy it was!

After a rather normal week in Skagway in the ministry, and 2 planes later, we flew in to Anchorage late on Thursday evening. We were greeted by some of the local friends who immediately I made a connection with. Why? Well I had been corresponding with them prior so it was nice to put a real face with the voice and names as you can imagine.

We went to the wonderful accommodations that the friends had generously provided and got some rest after catching up with the other brothers that were also sharing the house with us.

We woke the next day (Friday) and had a few things we wanted to take care of before our plans for the evening. These "things" were in actuality, A Haircut (lol). If you know me well you know that I cut hair and have been for quite some time now. Still, I haven't been able to get an actual good "Barbershop" haircut in over 2 I and the other brothers of African American descent (do you like how I cleaned that phrase up rather than just saying Black? Lol) Jumped at the opportunity to get a really good haircut in a city that has some rather nice Barbershops in it.

After that we came home, and got ready to leave for a evening gathering with a family and some other of the friends from the circuit as well as the C.O. his wife and the circuit guest speaker and his wife from Brooklyn Bethel. Ironically it was the 1st time all 10 of us would be in one room together. It was also the 1st time we would get to meet brother Daniel Cukar and His wife Monica who are serving in the Traveling work here in Alaska Circuit 1. (2nd Picture attached) We had a great time with them. There were also 2 Special Pioneer couples that are graduates of BSCC serving in Bethel, AK that were there with us as well. As you can imagine it was very encouraging to be a part of for us all.

This weekend the circuit had the privilege of having Brother David Schafer and his wife Krista with them from Brooklyn Bethel. (1st picture) He serves as a Helper to the Teaching Committee of the Governing Body. Ironically, he had know me and my family from a time when I was quite younger and they hadn't seen me since that time. So it was really nice to see them again and spend this time together.

I must tell you the friends in this circuit are so very loving and kind. Their generosity and appreciation for our efforts is remarkable and heart warming. I have already been "adopted" as a son by some already (Picture 3) They send christian love and greetings to you all.

I too join them in sending you warm love and best wishes from this vast and distant land.

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day: Anchorage (Since I'm writing this here in Anchorage) is the largest city by area in the country. It stretches for some 1,961 square miles or the size of the state of Delaware. In fact, the 4 largest U.S. cities by land area are all in Alaska: Sitka, Juneau, Wrangell and Anchorage.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Skagway - Week 7

How are you all? As usual, I hope this reaches you well and busy in the work of the Ministry for the glory of Our Father Jehovah.

We have arrived at the end of the 7th week in our assignment here. As of the writing of this, I am happy to inform you that we have reached every home in the immediate territory of Skagway and as well as the outlying areas of Dyea also known to locals as Liarsville.

This latter portion of the territory has involved a considerable amout of hiking up a few miles on what is called the AB mountain and walking some additional 3 to 4 miles along a road with very long and steep rocky driveways into dense forrest. This usually adds up to upwards of about 5 or 6 miles on a daily basis. (Probably more lol) Needless to say, health along with a considerable amount of stamina coupled with good nutrition and proper rest are key to this assignment.

We will soon be preparing another report for the Branch office to read regarding the progress of the assignment here. At this point, it appears that November will be in the final month of the assignment here in Skagway. What I anticipate in the next few weeks is an update as to how the Branch would like us to proceed with the report we will write. Then what will likely come is a new assignment to another remote location here in Alaska.

Where could it possibly be? I am not too sure. There are many possibilities in this remote and vast land. There are other brothers stationed in the state and all of our locations and circumstances range in nature. So there is no telling what our next assignment could look like honestly. (Lol) I am prepared (I think) for whatever may come. I have been making this all a matter of prayer before Jehovah because only in His Strength can this work be accomplished. Will be sure to keep you updated as to what comes of that development.

We are continuing to have relative success in the ministry here. Reactions of people here range from Kind to Friendly to Dismissive to Tolerant. Have also had quite a few abrupt individuals as is to be expected in any territory. We are still looking for the people that are searching for answers and have open and earnest hearts. I like to say we are looking for the reaction of "Hungry" in this territory. It remains to be seen by means of Holy Spirit whether this area is ripe "like a Peach" and ready to "fall into our hands". (to borrow the analogy made by Br Breaux in regards to our role in this assignment) However, regardless of the reaction of others in the territory, I myself am determined to maintain my Joy and Strength in the work of Jehovah.

Please know that I think of you all often and am grateful for your prayers, love and support. May Jehovah continue to be with each of us in these last days in which we live. His Kingdom now Rules!

Sending warm love,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: The name Alaska is derived from the Aleut word "Aleyska," meaning "Great Land."

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Skagway - Week 6


How are you all? Sending you love and greetings from the great wilderness here.

This is being written today from Whitehorse, YT (Yukon Territory of Canada) I am here this weekend on a Speaking Assignment with the small but very zealous and warm congregation of about 65 Publishers. I must say it was a bit of a different experience being with a congregation since we have been isolated for the past month and a half here. Nonetheless, they welcomed us with open arms and treated us like we were a part of their family. Was very strengthening to see the Global Christian brotherhood in action to a further degree. They send their love and greetings to each and every one of you.

The last week was a rather normal one for us. After the news coming to us here in the assignment of the wonderful and noteworthy Annual Meeting. I had an opportunity to enjoy the new program of JW Broadcasting and some of its new and exciting features. One highlight for me was the entire Gilead Graduation program. It proved to be a true strength and encouragement for this necessary tasks that arise in this assignment. All in all it was a very productive week.

Having reached the exact halfway point of the assignment at 6 weeks, I am glad to report to you that we have completed the entire town of Skagway as far as the territory is concerned for at least the 1st time. This essentially means that we have attempted and made an initial effort to reach each household and or door, once with the Kingdom Message. This has led to many Return Visits and initial interest from the residents. Of course as you can imagine alot of Not At Homes as well. If circumstances and timing of the next assignment allow, we will make another attempt at reaching those we were not able to reach prior. As of now, we will begin to concentrate on the outlying areas of Dyea tommorrow with some friends from the Whitehorse congregation who have cared for the town for quite a few years prior to our arrival. As you may remember from when I previously wrote, we walk quite a bit and we still have to as we have no vehicle, but that outlaying area is very far and it is becoming a bit too cold to walk to those rugged regions.

Also this week, we were again put on alert as a very large Male Grizzly Bear has decided to make the town a regular visiting spot. We are currently staying at 9th and Main street and it has begun to frequent the area 2 blocks away on 7th and Main. We have been thankful to Jehovah that we haven't run into him in the course of our preaching in town. We really feel that he has protected us from any real danger from the wildlife that frequent the area. We are of course prepared should the need arise that we encounter the Bears or any other animals that could pose a threat.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that we are indeed here in the Alaskan Wilderness and the need to remain alert and cautious at all time while in the ministry or any other activity outdoors. The Bears serve as a kindly reminder in that regard (Lol)

After the meeting today we hiked to an elevation of about 5,000 feet and then into a River Canyon past a dam here in Whitehorse. I have attached some pictures for you to see.

Looking forward to speaking with you soon.

Sending you all love and greetings here in the Denali.

M. J. Penfield 

Alaska Fact of The Day: Alaska has 6,640 miles of coastline and, including islands, has 33,904 miles of shoreline.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Skagway - Week 5

How are each of you? I hope this reaches you all doing well and busy in the work of the minstry. What an exciting day for the organization and all of us yesterday! It's truly a privilege to serve Jehovah in these last days. 100 Years of Kingdom Rule and counting...

Well, we have entered into a new month here in Alaska, which as you can imagine brings us that much closer to the famous "Alaskan Winter". I was talking to one woman in the minstry and she made a rather interesting comment that there really isn't an Autumn here, just.....Winter. (Lol) Those words are proving to be truer each day that passes. The winds have really picked up and intensified quite a bit. Each morning I awake to the glacial mountains that surround the town dusted in snow and a very dense fog. It's a real sight to behold. Interestingly, I have been using that as a taking point in the minstry with the residents here. It seems to be having relative success with them, most of them see the need to get to know the Creator of the world around them.

The ministry proves to be an experience. We are still meeting people and placing literature with them. There appears to be some potential within the local territory. One thing that I am learning here is that people are religiously inclined and are willing to talk about their love of God. We do come across a good number of those who are Atheists, some who are very opposed and others who are at least willing to speak with us in regards to what we are preaching here in the community. I have mentioned before that because of the small size of the town we have to be very careful not to irritate individuals here. Some have mentioned to us, that we are becoming very well known here in we all know, news travels fast. Whether they think of it as good news or bad news we are still waiting to see. We expect opposition, even persecution to come as a result of this assignment and not having any local association with any other friends.

On another note, as you may be aware, last week there was a 6.2 Earthquake that hit the state in Anchorage, Alaska. We didn't feel it here in the "panhandle" of the state as we are quite a distance away from Anchorage. I am happy to tell you that the friends there are doing well and send their love and greetings to all.

Your love, thoughts and prayers mean so much and are in my daily prayers to Jehovah. May he continue to bless each of you in your respective locations and various assignments.

After 100 years of ruling, we pray that His Kingdom come soon. It is going to change this world and this universe. In the meantime, we will wait patiently and we are determined to serve Him in any capacity He allows us to. Please keep running our race with endurance. I can't wait to see each of you at the finish line.

I send my warm love and greetings to each of you,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: Earthquakes - On March 27, 1964, North America’s strongest recorded earthquake, with a moment magnitude of 9.2, rocked central Alaska. Each year Alaska has approximately 5,000 earthquakes, including 1,000 that measure above 3.5 on the Richter scale. Of the ten strongest earthquakes ever recorded in the world, three have occurred in Alaska. (Matt 24:7)

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 4 update from Skagway

Good Rainy Morning to All,

How is everyone? Hope all is well with each of you.

Today marks exactly 4 weeks since I left Miami and arrived into Seattle for this new program and new assignment. It has truly been a very interesting time and a faith strengthening experience like no other. I am sure that it will only continue in fuller measure in the future months that will come with the direction of Jehovah.

Here is a brief synopsis of the week and what we are working on now:

We have covered about a half of the territory of Skagway at this point. We continue to have very good conversations with people and are placing literature. They seem to "know us" by the time we arrive at their doors and see them in the community. This is a result of the fact that the town's local resident population was beginning to dwindle. And will continue to do so. The Alaska cruise season ended as of this past Thursday and won't be back until next April. This puts the towns local population around 400 people. As you can imagine, the news about us being "in town" spreads very quickly. While this is a good thing, this could also prove to be a double edge sword if some don't agree with us being here. We have seen that to be the case and will continue to monitor that as well as keep the Branch informed of what develops.

Another situation we are monitoring is the issue of Race. The town is used to seeing foreigners and those of other races on a regular basis during the cruise season. However, now that the season is over we are curious to see how they react to us of another race living in "their town". We also have been asked to keep the Branch office informed in this matter.

This week, we received some new direction that we have been asked to follow thru on immediately and report to the Branch what we find in that regard. I will share what it is, and the results of that with you as soon as I can.

I love you all very much and pray for you in your various locations daily. Please feel free to call, text, email or Skype me anytime. We will be in touch again soon.

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: The State of New York (My Hometown) fits into Alaska 12 times. Who knew? ;)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 3 update from Skagway

How is everyone doing? I hope all is well and each of us is busy in the ministry.

I am now settled in to my temporary residence of the Mile Zero Bed & Breakfast. And now it is just a matter of getting settled in a bit further. We work hard not to get too comfortable here because we know that we will be receiving a brand new assignment from the Branch Office shortly. So it's an adjustment of sorts to make and to ensure that we are prepared. We are almost completed thru our 1st full month on this Project. Looking forward to seeing the hand of Jehovah on this endeavor.

It has been a very interesting and event filled week here in town and in the minstry.

There have been some more bears that have made their way into town for an "extended visit". (Go Figure) Now we have already come across the Brown Bear as you already know...but to add to that, now a Grizzly Bear and some Black Bears have decided to venture down the mountain and spend some time before hibernating. This obviously poses some challenges to the ministry and working the territory as they come into the very areas that we work. We have to be especially cautious and use discernment as we got about the ministry. We have to walk everywhere so we usually are prepared to make a dash if necessary. I will keep you posted on this unique development.

Now to the ministry. This week has been very, very interesting. We have spoken to many people...covering about 1 quarter of the town. We have divided it into quadrants and are strategically covering the territory. We have to also be very cautious about the way we approach the streets, the houses and the residents of the town, the people because the word is spreading very fast about us being here. This has elicited many varied responses here with people. Some ranging from Angry to Curious to Interested to Drunk (Lol yes. I will explain shortly) to Inquisitive.

We have been using a very simple approach with the tract. Initally, we basically tell people that we are directing their attention to our website and helping them to find the answers to life's and any answers to questions about the Bible in the privacy of their home. This approach has been effective in most cases. We use this to cover the territory the first time around and gauge the householders interest. From this we are getting Return Visits and will follow up with perhaps a more focused approach using another tract that focuses on a specific Subject like: "What Is The Kingdom of God?" We will see how this approach will continue to work along with Jehovah's Holy Spirit.

At the rate we are going, we will have covered the territory and outlying areas in its entirety by the middle of October. That will be the approximate halfway point of the assignment and we will have been able to reach all of the homes in the area. We will know what our Return Visits are and then we can concentrate on what interest will exist there.

We have reports to prepare for the Branch office each month regarding the progress made here and certain guidelines that they detemine.

Going back to the comment I made regarding Drunkenness (lol)...Alcoholism is a very big issue here with locals and in the state as a whole. We have seen this in some instances and encounters in the ministry. The reason it is such an issue points toward the nature of the town changing in mood and Cruise season closing down for the rest of the year. And especially we are told, the seasonal winter darkness. I may have mentioned it before but we are heading into a time in the winter where we will only have about 4 to 6 hours of daylight and as you can already guess this causes many emotional and mental distresses and issues with people. We too are asked by the Branch to give particular attention to this matter regarding the lack of sunlight.

In any event, I am doing well and miss you all. I love each of you and look forward to seeing each of you again.

Thank you for reading. For your love and your continued prayers.

Hope to talk to you all soon.

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: The State of Florida could fit into Alaska 10 times. (For all my Florida Family :) out there)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Checking In

My apologies for not writing sooner. We have truly been busy here in the Greater Klondike area. :) Our work and our daily responsibilities to the Branch office have picked up. But I'm glad to say that things have been going pretty well. We have concluded our 1st full week here in the assignment and are looking forward to what will come from our being here and planting these seeds of Kingdom Truth.

After some calls to the Branch, we were able to secure more permanent rooming for ourselves and have been busy preparing for the next week to come. All in all it has been a good week. We have had some friends come from the Whitehorse congregation to work with us and show is some of the outlying areas that we wil be able to cover along with them. And obviously we also have had to move into a new place.

We both have been staying busy and keeping ourselves encouraged with our personal study and meditation. It's really been an adjustment not having a congregation and a meeting to attend but one that has been able to be managed by keeping ourselves fed spiritually.
One thing that that we are especially mindful of is the need to remain healthy physically as well. One thing we do is take Vitamin D. Why you ask? Well as I mentioned before we lose about 15 minutes of daylight each day. And we are heading into a time when for about 6 months there will only be about 4 hours of daylight in the day. But because we are in an inlet surrounded by mountains on both sides of us the sun will not always reach us in the Channel. This will be of course a major adjustment for us to make. We will have to be very conscious of our health and mental fitness to remain strong and resilient. With Jehovah's help we are sure that it will be a success.

I will write again soon once we get rolling along again. Love you all very much.

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day: Only 20% of Alaska is accessible by road. There are only 12 numbered highways.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

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We notice that on the weekends and when the Cruise ships are not in port that things are considerably slow...they call it a "ghost town" (it really is) during that time. Streets that are normally flooded with visitors are painfully silent and empty. The wooden sidewalks (Yes, wooden) are wet and hollow at these times.

Monday, we spent the day preaching at the Port for a while then we met up with some friends from Whitehorse, YT and since other friends from Edmonton, Alberta who wanted to visit since they were working on the roof for an RBC project at the Whitehorse Kingdom Hall. We spent some time with them and ate a meal with them. (See Attached) They were able to show us a little more extensive of the territory as far as some of the outlying areas that will fall under our direction. It's very large and far. As we saw directly, the land is very, very vast. The area is filled with Bears, Humpback whales, Eagles, Orca whales and other wildlife that we have yet to see.

I wish you could see this all. It's quite amazing.

Talk to you soon. You are in our prayers daily.

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day: Alaska has the highest number of pilots per capita of any U.S. state. 1 out of every 72 Alaskan residents are Pilots, according to a survey completed in 2010