Sunday, November 16, 2014

Skagway - Week 11

Good Morning,

How are each of you? I trust that this reaches each of you doing well and busy in the ministry.

This week was a rather regular one in Skagway. We were able to get much accomplished here. After submitting our last report and recommendation to the Branch office on Monday we began our focus on what would still need to be accomplished in the very likely event that we will receive a new assignment.

There were two very interesting bible accounts that came to my mind in the course of events that occurred this week. I would like to share them with you. But let me provide with you on some background on how the accounts and some of the details contained within correlate with Alaska and this assignment.

1st: You are likely aware, that Alaska is known for long and harsh winters and very limited sunlight in these times especially as you get further to the North. Now it's not officially Winter yet, according to the calendar. (Dec 21st) As some locals have told me, "Winter in Alaska starts when Summer ends."

It's interesting to note that, while Skagway is not as far North as some of the other locations in Alaska that our other brothers are serving in, because of the unique positioning of the town itself, the actual sunlight that reaches us is still quite limited, especially now.

If you were to look on a map, Skagway- situated in the Taiya inlet, sits between 2 rather large Mountain ranges. If you also looked at the time the sun rises here, you would likely be told that it rises somewhere in the time period of 7 to 8am. Because of where we are situated, we don't see it until after noon, around 12:30pm and it typically would stay out until about 4 or 5pm. Keep in mind, that's actually normal in this season. As time has gone along, we have lost about 20 to 25 minutes of sunlight a day. Meaning that it still rises around 12pm but is typically gone, now around 3pm. This week, on Wednesday we saw it actually move and disappear as we were literally speaking within a 10 min conversation. It's now dark here each day at about 2pm. The mountain ranges swallow the sun and it's light from reaching the town in its entirety.

One interesting Phenomena we observe is that, when the sun is down,  completely gone and away on one end of the town and inlet, the other end of it in the mountain ranges that lead to British Columbia and the Yukon are completely lit, and shining bright in the distance. To see the town in the dark in one window, and then to see the other end of the Yukon lit in another window of the same room is quite a peculiar, yet spectacular sight to behold.

These "Celestial Phenomena" in particular regarding the Sun, reminded me of the account found in the book of Joshua chapter 10 verses 1-14. If we examine the context of those verses, we see that Jehovah was acting on behalf of the Gibeonites, a group of Canaanite people who put faith in him. Jehovah extended Israel’s fight against the opposing forces they were warring against, by causing the sun and the moon to hold their positions in the viewpoint of those at the battle, postponing sunset for almost a day’s time. This was indeed a miracle.

Well what exactly did this mean? How was this done? The Insight book comments that, it could have meant a literal stopping of earth’s rotation. Perhaps, it could have been accomplished by a refraction of solar and lunar light rays to produce the same effect. Whatever the method employed by our God, it demonstrated that as the Psalmist indicated: “everything that Jehovah delighted to do he has done in the heavens and in the earth, in the seas and all the watery deeps.”

The point that struck me as being so very powerful was in verse 14, where you and I are told: "There has never been a day like that one, either before it or after it, when Jehovah listened to the voice of a man, for Jehovah was fighting for Israel."

The application here, is that Jehovah always listens to our concerns to the extent that in that very account, He made the Sun itself "Stand Still" for Joshua. But the larger and grander application there in that same account is that "Jehovah was fighting for Israel." Who again? JEHOVAH. So if we take the focus off of ourselves, off of us, our concerns, our anxieties, our fears, and allow Jehovah do the "fighting" in our behalf we can have the confidence that Our Victory is sure. It's actually guaranteed. Yes, here in Alaska (as much as I would like to) I can't tell the Sun to "Stand Still" but I, myself, and YOU can "Stand Still" and allow Jehovah to care for your individual concerns and do the "fighting".

Yes, "You will not need to fight this battle. Take your position, stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf. O Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid or be terrified. Tomorrow go out against them, and Jehovah will be with you." (2 Chronicles 20:17)

Let's switch gears for a moment....

When you think of wild animals in the scriptures what's the common one that comes to mind? For most people it's the Lion. We can think of many accounts of the Lion or even multiple Lions in the Bible. They stand out in our minds.

You're thinking: "Lions in Alaska? No that can't be! Can it?"

The 2nd biblical account that you will find interesting, is in the book of Lamentations chapter 3 and verse 10.

Do you notice what animal the verse draws our attention to 1st? Yes, the Bear is considered even secondarily to the Lion. Why is that?

It's appropriate, there and in other passages that the Scriptures allude to the dangerousness of the Bear even in parallel or comparison with that of the Lion. Zoologists, in fact, consider the Bear to be even more dangerous than the large cats. No doubt, Jehovah had this in mind for our consideration when he inspired the writing of this verse.

You will be interested and glad to know yesterday, I got the closest to a Grizzly Bear that I have ever been and will likely get in the wild, hopefully. In the pictures attached, you will see the Grizz and I had to get rather close to each other to get you the full experience of our interaction with each other. "Rather close" as in about 30 feet away on the slippery banks of the icy Chilkoot river. You will also notice the frost and snow that is here now that Winter has arrived. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed capturing the moment for you.

To see a bear in the wild, in the middle of the day is an experience that I don't think I will ever quite get used to. (in a good way) To see the raw power and the pure magnificence of these creatures in their natural habitat you share with them makes you think of Jehovah and His Awesome Power.

Why do I use the word "share"? Notice Isaiah 11:7, there we are told: "The cow and the bear will feed together, And their young will lie down together." This is a prophecy that has yet to have its fulfillment. As we know, It will come in the near future. The peacefulness among Jehovah’s regathered people, you and I under His Son's rule, is indicated there by the fact that the bear, a natural predator will feed with, what would normally be it's prey, the cow together. They each will eat and "share" the same food together. And if each of us remain faithful to the end, we will be able to see that amazing sight with our own eyes. Even more than that, you and I will share in that peace together with the Animal creation as a united family worshiping Jehovah for eternity! What a joy that time will be!

I mentioned earlier, that this week coming up, we will find out what and where our new assignment will be. At this point, we know that it will be still here in the state of Alaska in yet another remote and isolated area but specifically the location we are not sure of. We know the places they have in mind and what the options are. I will be sure to share the details with you as soon as I am given the clearance to do so.

Thank you for taking the time to read and for sharing this journey together with Me. I look forward to "speaking" again with you soon.

Please be safe and be assured that I love and remember each and every one of you. I talk with Jehovah daily, and in your behalf I pray His Spirit be with you in these final days. Thank you for your love, prayers and continued support of Kingdom Interests.

With Christian Love and Best Wishes,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Day: Historically, there were around 50,00 Grizzly Bears in North America. Today there are an esyimated 1,800 Grizzly Bears remaining in the "lower 48" states. Alaska is home to a very healthy (as you can see) Grizzly population


  1. Wow Jared!!! Truly a remarkable experience! One question?? Did you have any barrier between you and that grizzly?? Be careful my brother.... Our prayers are with you too.

  2. I am a picture junkie so I just love the photo of the bear! Also I love the way you write. I tell Vincent 'you have to read this' LOL LOL Thanks for sharing your thoughts and how they intertwine with Gods word! One day...we will all be relaxing and watching what use to be wild life - just living life! Keep us posted. Enjoy! Later!

  3. Thanks my dear son for the wonderful way you expressed yourself in this week's blog. I too loved the way that you intertwined the Scriptures into your dialogue. You have proven to be a very expressive writer. Your pictures of the Grizzlies are amazing! Please be careful. We look forward to what experiences you will have in your new assignment. May you continue to experience the blessings of Jehovah as you stand still my son and see his salvation in your behalf. We love you!
    Love Dad, and Mom.

  4. Jared that was beautiful, I too love the way you use those scriptures. Please stand still. I pray that Jehovah continues to bless your efforts. We love the pics but stay safe. Wish we could send some sun from Florida, we can't wait to hear more about the new assignment. Love the Ambrose family.

  5. Jared - that was indeed a beautiful experience! I must say, you have become quite the author and storyteller! As I read the experience, I felt as though I was right there! Of course, when I picture myself there, I'm typically running like a mad man to get away from the bears! Lol! What a beautiful expression of Jehovah's love as you and the other dear brothers embark on this most important work. We will continue to keep you in our prayers...praying for Jehovah's continued blessings on your efforts, praying for your safety, and praying for the honor and glory this brings to our Father's name. Please be safe, my brother. I'm eagerly looking forward to your next update! With warmest agapé and deepest philia, LaMar & Shelley
