Sunday, October 12, 2014

Skagway - Week 6


How are you all? Sending you love and greetings from the great wilderness here.

This is being written today from Whitehorse, YT (Yukon Territory of Canada) I am here this weekend on a Speaking Assignment with the small but very zealous and warm congregation of about 65 Publishers. I must say it was a bit of a different experience being with a congregation since we have been isolated for the past month and a half here. Nonetheless, they welcomed us with open arms and treated us like we were a part of their family. Was very strengthening to see the Global Christian brotherhood in action to a further degree. They send their love and greetings to each and every one of you.

The last week was a rather normal one for us. After the news coming to us here in the assignment of the wonderful and noteworthy Annual Meeting. I had an opportunity to enjoy the new program of JW Broadcasting and some of its new and exciting features. One highlight for me was the entire Gilead Graduation program. It proved to be a true strength and encouragement for this necessary tasks that arise in this assignment. All in all it was a very productive week.

Having reached the exact halfway point of the assignment at 6 weeks, I am glad to report to you that we have completed the entire town of Skagway as far as the territory is concerned for at least the 1st time. This essentially means that we have attempted and made an initial effort to reach each household and or door, once with the Kingdom Message. This has led to many Return Visits and initial interest from the residents. Of course as you can imagine alot of Not At Homes as well. If circumstances and timing of the next assignment allow, we will make another attempt at reaching those we were not able to reach prior. As of now, we will begin to concentrate on the outlying areas of Dyea tommorrow with some friends from the Whitehorse congregation who have cared for the town for quite a few years prior to our arrival. As you may remember from when I previously wrote, we walk quite a bit and we still have to as we have no vehicle, but that outlaying area is very far and it is becoming a bit too cold to walk to those rugged regions.

Also this week, we were again put on alert as a very large Male Grizzly Bear has decided to make the town a regular visiting spot. We are currently staying at 9th and Main street and it has begun to frequent the area 2 blocks away on 7th and Main. We have been thankful to Jehovah that we haven't run into him in the course of our preaching in town. We really feel that he has protected us from any real danger from the wildlife that frequent the area. We are of course prepared should the need arise that we encounter the Bears or any other animals that could pose a threat.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that we are indeed here in the Alaskan Wilderness and the need to remain alert and cautious at all time while in the ministry or any other activity outdoors. The Bears serve as a kindly reminder in that regard (Lol)

After the meeting today we hiked to an elevation of about 5,000 feet and then into a River Canyon past a dam here in Whitehorse. I have attached some pictures for you to see.

Looking forward to speaking with you soon.

Sending you all love and greetings here in the Denali.

M. J. Penfield 

Alaska Fact of The Day: Alaska has 6,640 miles of coastline and, including islands, has 33,904 miles of shoreline.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your experiences and your adventures. You dear brothers are indeed preaching to the ends of the earth! Jehovah's continued blessings on you all. Keep on the watch...for those bears!
