Sunday, January 18, 2015

Kotzebue - Week 6 (20)

Something we all have access to, and live our lives every day by is Time.

What is your view of time? Does it echo the sentiments of Paul?

In the book of 1st Corinthians Chapter 7 and verse number 29 we read: "Moreover, this I say, brothers, the time left is reduced."

So next we may ask ourselves: "What time is it?"

Well, we notice there the expression "the time left." What is the significance of this being used?

Paul was there helping the congregation in Corinth to appreciate that there was indeed time that would be left before the conclusion of the system. But he used the adjective, "reduced" to emphasize the importance and criticality of the time itself that still existed.

When some thing is "reduced" what comes to mind? Perhaps we think of something that is lesser in nature. Maybe is the cost of an item or food. In any even it is quite less than that of what would be a "regular" type. So, if the time left is "reduced" then it is the same concept as mentioned above. When it comes to time, as it concerns the Wicked Days we live in,  it is significantly less than it was before. Day by Day, Week by Week, Month, Year and so forth.

Keeping that in mind as we go about our ministry and our daily lives in this system of things should do what for us?

Notice the words of Ephesians Chapter 5 and verse 15. It says: "So keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons."

Paul admonishes the congregation in Ephesus to keep "strict watch"...not just casually "looking" or glancing at time and events but with a sense of discipline and focus. "Strict watch." But now on who? Others? No, there it says "how you walk."

So in application, we don't look at others and what they do. We don't put our attention on comparisons of what someone else may be doing, rather we look at ourselves. 'What am I doing when it come to my view of time and effort in this system?'

Next we find the words of verse 16: "making the best use of your time, as because the days are wicked."

Again, your time. Not the other person. Not a comparison or competition. But on You. Why? Would we agree that the days we have left to live in this system would be accurately termed, wicked? Then be determined to make "the best use of your time."

Verse number 17 goes on to say: "On this account stop being unreasonable, but keep perceiving what the will of Jehovah is."

This idea of "perceiving what the will of Jehovah is" was particularly evident this week in the ministry and territory. We continue to find good progress and interest within the local community. We use many methods of preaching to reach individuals. This week we used telephone territory and that proved to be effective in reaching some. In addition to door to door, we also use informal methods as well. "Time" as we've mentioned, will continue to be useful in determining whether or not the truth will take root in the hearts of our neighbors here in this unique community. If it is the "will of Jehovah", His Word and Spirit will have a moving and profound effect on their lives. It's our individual responsibility each day to do our part to "perceive" it and act in harmony with the direction we receive.

May we do our utmost to "keep perceiving what the will of Jehovah is" on a daily basis in our individual assignments wherever that may be. Acting in accord with it, will bring us rich blessings not only now in the ministry but with eternity in view. My prayers and thoughts are with you as you continue on in the precious ministry that each of us has been assigned to.

With Love and Best Wishes,

M. J. Penfield

Alaska Fact of the Week: The city of Juneau has a city limit that is larger than the state of Delaware.

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