Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Recap of Day 1 and Overview of Day 2 in Juneau

Good morning,

I hope all is well and you enjoyed day 1 of the new 2015 Service Year.

Here is a recap of what yesterday looked like:

After meeting up with the brother that I am working with, we took a 2 hour and 1 minute flight from Seattle to Juneau, AK. We landed in a rainstorm. After landing we were picked up by a local elder- Brother Ken Klepinger. He took us to a few places. An Alaskan Outfitters store, we got to see the Kingdom Hall, had lunch with him, we stopped for a few pictures at the Mendenhall Glacier, we looked for a few bears as well. Then we headed to the Alaska Brewing Co. for a beer tasting and to get some for the evening. From there, we then went to a boatyard to see his boat as well as a few of the local elders boats that they live in year round. We saw a Fish Ladder and got to see a few Bald Eagles flying around in the area.

We then arrived at him His wife Denise's home where we would be staying for the entire next 2 nights. We we warmly welcomed by them and got to know them a little better. We unpacked some of the bags and got ready to eat with some of the local friends who joined us for a dinner of freshly caught grilled Halibut Tacos. We spent time talking with them about the area and got to know them better as well as them getting to know us and our story. After that, it was time to get some rest for the next day. Right now it is just after 6 AM as I write this. We are 4 hours behind Eastern time so that is something that I am adjusting to now.

Overall, it has been a great time thusfar. I find myself using the words: Amazing and Wow alot (if you have been here before you know what I am talking about) The mountains are filled with thousands of green Trees. Interestingly, the clouds sit low on them so it appears as if they are on fire or smoking as the locals tell us. The air here is very clean, crisp and quite pure. I am enjoying the varied and plentiful sights as well. Eagles, Harbor Seals, Orca Whales etc...what a joy it is to Serve a Grand Creator like Jehovah. (Ec 12:1)

I feel that already His blessing is on this assignment from just being able to behold his magnificent creation in action.

Today we will be walking around the area and just getting a few things that we will need up in Skagway. Tomorrow we will take either a plane or a 6 hour ferry up to Skagway (the reason there is a whole different story that I will have to write about - I am sure you will want to hear that one lol) we are scheduled to meet with some friends that will be coming on a Norwegian Cruise to Skagway. Should be a very encouraging experience.

I have attached some pictures from the day yesterday for you to look at. Thank you for reading and I appreciate all of your love, words and prayers. We will talk again soon ;)

M. J. Penfield


  1. JP you had an eventful day 1. Thanks for keeping this blog so we can follow your experience with you. Adjustments are hard but Jehovah will bless you for your sacrifice to him. Enjoy every minute and keep your head down so the Bald eagles don't get you... ROFL....

  2. I love this. Hope you don't get too busy to keep this up because I'm getting spoiled already. We are living the experience through you. I'm so happy that day 1 was a success and I'm sure there's a lot more interesting things to come. Enjoy day 2, hugs

  3. Wow...reading your blog makes me feel like I'm experiencing this with you. Now I can't wait to hear about the ferry ride. XOXO

  4. Wow! I'm soo glad we get to share in your experiences like we are right there with ya! Awesome privilege!

  5. Wow!! Day 1 sounded like a wonderful appetizer for more to come!! I will have plenty of questions for you through all of this!! Thank you for sharing!!
